The ultimate melee action [GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE-] is now on Steam!! Pushing [Gameplay] and [Entertainment] to the extremes, with a splash of [Competitiveness] -- That's GUILTY GEAR 2 for you.
▼2016/04/14 Update
・Fixed issue where the rightmost item slot gets overwritten when a new item is purchased.
・Fixed several Masters' and Servants' actions and balances.
・Fixed issue where certain buffs/debuffs do not disappear correctly, even after being dispelled.
・New feature to allow players to create password protected Player Match rooms.
・Added English voice.
・Fixed some graphics glitches.
・Added a "View the quick reference" link to the store page, where players can view the default keyboard keybindings for the game (available in all 6 languages).