▼2016/06/16 Update v1.0.5


The ultimate melee action [GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE-] is now on Steam!! Pushing [Gameplay] and [Entertainment] to the extremes, with a splash of [Competitiveness] -- That's GUILTY GEAR 2 for you.

・Added Replay Viewer function.  You can automatically save your Exhibition and Online matches by setting AutoSave to "ON", found under OPTION→ReplayConfig.  It will only save up to 10 replays at any one time, and older replays will be overwritten over by newer ones. Please move the replay files that you want to preserve to your own file directory in your computer system. ・Added Friend Invitation function.  Press Shift+Tab to access the Steam Overlay, and you can invite your friends to a match from there. ・Network Indicator (aka Antenna) will now be displayed in the search results. ・Fixed water rendering for certain graphic boards. ・Optimized CPU performance for network play. ▼Future planned updates ・Keyboard & Mouse configuration. ・Rank Match and Rankings. ・Several graphics option customizations.