Planned updates releases & bug fixes (Apr 4th)


The ultimate melee action [GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE-] is now on Steam!! Pushing [Gameplay] and [Entertainment] to the extremes, with a splash of [Competitiveness] -- That's GUILTY GEAR 2 for you.

■Bug fixes ▼To be fixed soon ・An issue where the BGM playback volume turns out ignoring the volume settings. ・Adding a sequence to correctly exit the game. ・Will be temporarily [b]removing[/b] the overly-strong blur settings, while we continue to tweak the settings on our end. The expected completion date should be in Mid-April. ・Adjusting the position of the Press Start text in the title menu so that they do not overlap with the company logo. ▼Mid-April bug fix list: ・Fixing an issue where an item slot previously occupied by another item can be overwritten if the bought item is purchased immediately after the item to the left was used. ・Adjusting gameplay balance to match that of the latest game version. ・Fixing an issue where certain buffs/debuffs do not disappear after time, and dispelling them do not work. ■Updates ▼Mid-April: ・New feature to allow players to create password-protected rooms in Players Match. ・English Voice. ▼End-April: ・Keyboard & Mouse configuration. ・Friend invitation. ・Map "Holy Knights Fortress" to be added. ▼After May ・Rank Match and Rankings to be implemented. ・Allow players to save and watch replays on Replay Viewer. ・Several graphics option customizations.