▼2016/08/02 Update v1.0.6


The ultimate melee action [GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE-] is now on Steam!! Pushing [Gameplay] and [Entertainment] to the extremes, with a splash of [Competitiveness] -- That's GUILTY GEAR 2 for you.

・Added Mouse & Keyboard control type [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/22556326/2bd259f52da95c36c5b2feaf7640cdf038acdd7c.jpg[/img] *The full size guide can be found in the store page, under "View the quick reference". Players can access this control type by Left-clicking at the title screen, with the "PUSH START" display. Do note that if you proceed via a controller button, the game will recognise it as a controller type input, and likewise a keyboard button will register as a pure Keyboard only (no mouse) control type. For Keyboard&Mouse control configuration type, depending on the different sequence of the game, the "Confirm" button may either be Left Click, the Enter key or the Space key. Also, the Enter key is used to mark yourself as Ready for online game modes. Press the Backspace key to exit the player room. ・Allow stages to be selectable in online mode Previously players can only choose the weather conditions, but now players can choose both the Stage and the Weather separately.