v0.911 and plans for the next patches

Marble Combat

Marble combat is a physics based multiplayer game for 2 - 8 people. Players compete as magical marbles racing and fighting to dominate capture points and collect power ups.

Hello. Below are the patchnotes for v0.911 [h1] Gameplay [/h1] - Cancel button in ability selection menu is now functioning and pressing it will take you back to main menu - Rematch button in the end-game is now functioning. When all remaining players vote for a rematch, the game will start again - Games can now be joined midway. It currently lacks the frontend implementation, however you can join the games of your friends with Steam Presence. We will be adding frontend functionality for this with the next patch. - Target finding is now more accurate [h1] Bugfixes [/h1] - Fixed multiple issues where widgets would get stuck on screen (Like tutorial or Single Player tutorial) causing players to be unable to proceed. - Fixed occasions where quitting the game in the middle of a game causing crashes. This might still happen occasionally but the frequency should be significantly culled down. [h1] Performance [/h1] - Several events in the game are made condensed. This means the game will freeze on certain events like starting the match, however the remainder of the gameplay should feel smoother. [h1] Upcoming [/h1] - As stated multiple times, the lobby system is going through a revamp. In the final result, players will be given the below options: 1. Private Lobbies 2. Being able to join an ongoing game or a lobby 3. Certain filters like Ongoing games if you want to jump into action immediately - Balancing: Some of the abilities are doing too good and a few of them will receive number tweaking while the others will undergo revamps. Reporting which ones you think are broken will be valuable for us.