

This is a roguelike open-world sandbox survival horror set in a modern city. Play as an --redacted-- parasite, possess human hosts, exploit and evolve them to help you survive in a hostile world, all to find out your one true purpose.

There are no gameplay changes in this one but a lot of maintenance stuff that should make playing the game more comfortable. The one small feature I'm most proud of is that you can now shift-click or shift-press number to auto-repeat harden grip and reinforce control actions. Players brought their inherent spamminess which made them a source of mistakes to my attention. Sound and music subsystem was changed, that will increase the sound quality and also restore the remaining three music tracks that I did earlier. Sound/music will require another pass at some point in the future. More sound effects are needed, the ambience should be enriched and my music mixing skills are now significantly better than they were in 2019 (as in I had almost none, hehehehehe) so I want to redo all of these music tracks and start working on the new ones. UI had two big changes. Firstly, there is now the main menu that the game starts with. Options window and quit menu items are now in there and these buttons are no longer in the HUD. Options window was expanded with the advanced section which features some useful and interesting flags. I've also fixed more bugs in the body/evolution window that I missed earlier. Check out the full details below, there is smaller but important stuff there, too. More players have asked about the save system so this will be incoming in the next big update, please wait a little longer :) Oh yeah, the Linux version should now be working. Changes: [list] [*]Linux version is up [*]Sound/music subsystem replaced which coincidentally also increases sound samples quality and restores 3 additional music tracks. [*]Pressing shift-click or shift+number will now auto-repeat two common actions that need spamming with the short delay between them. In case of harden grip the action will be repeated until hold is 100, in case of reinforce control until control is 90. This is made into a setting just in case, tell me what do you think of it. Path delay is renamed to repeat delay and will now control both the mouse path movement and this. [*]Main menu added. Options and quit access moved to the main menu. F6, F10 shortcuts will continue to work but the HUD buttons were removed. Non-working save game menu item added to [strike]troll the players[/strike] remind me that I need to implement the save system. The game will now show the main menu at start. [*]Options window added advanced options: [list] [*]Amount of log lines visible in HUD [*]Center camera on player near map edges - was the current behavior since 0.7.1 and can now be disabled [*]Laptop movement keys (uiojklm,.) [*]Extended gameplay information - this one exposes some of the stuff and math happening under the hood if you're interested in deeper knowledge of the game [*]Shift-click/number repeats the action until the logical end [/list] [*]Fullscreen added to options and made more robust (ESC button will no longer exit fullscreen mode), F shortcut disabled [*]Goal window will show current society knowledge for the tutorial goal that requires it [*]When the player steps on biomineral formation, the log will explain the habitat energy produced and consumed. Also it'll show how much energy/health will be restored by it. [*]Alert log messages are now subtly animated to grab attention (I'll also add a sound effect once I do the sound effects pass). [*]Easy/normal group difficulty will now show alert message dialog when the team is close. [*]New "radio" state icon added when human AI tries to call for help [*]Restart game when the game is over is now a clickable action [*]HUD menu buttons will now be highlighted when they appear first during the tutorial [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]UI fixes for body and evolution windows (phew, that should be the end of it. right? right?...) [*]Find a clue tutorial goal text changed to explain that any clue will suffice. [*]Close button returned to document window. [*]Fix for waiting with mouse click in region mode. [/list]