v. 1.0.0 The final demo


Deliver packages... in space! Test your agility by navigating through different galaxies carrying diverse packages and upgrade your ship. Will you become the best courier in the universe?

Hi! It's done. The content for the full game is ready. There will be: - [b]18[/b] Unique [b]worlds[/b], each posing a [b]different challenge[/b] - [b]29 Perks[/b] that can be unlocked by ingame currency - [b]9 package types[/b] - each has an impact on your ship and game difficulty. Not impressed? That's [b]189* different package configurations[/b]! - [b]11 achievements [/b]pushing you to explore and interact with the world - 5 repetitive (as: non random) speedrunning levels with timer and score tracking The final version is ready. I would love to release at the end of August, but I want to have a simultaneous release here and on Switch so the final date depends on Nintendo. The full version will be available for Youtubers until then. As for the demo release v it does not bring anything new, but a ton of bugfixes, graphical improvements, and a rebalance that matches the final version. [h2] Changelog [/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] - (Tutorial) Explanation that rescuing costs reputation - Some asteroids in tutorial to enforce some manoeuvring - Sounds to Rescue Ship [h3]Changed[/h3] - It is now possible to sell perks - Reward for collecting all mail: 2 coins (was 1) - Completing exam gives one coin - Economy rebalanced - Color scheme of (un)discovered worlds - Hazard ratings - No more free starting coins - Nicer stars in rating displays - Nebula disrupts signal - Package adds a little weight to the ship physics - Optimised Mine level - Normal License costs coins [h3]Removed[/h3] - Unused key map from tutorial control list - Placeholder name from Rescue Ship in Tutorial [h3]Fixed[/h3] - Perk and World counting achievements not updating - Career Progress updates when data changes - Loadout messing galaxy map navigation - Collectibles picked from Mine being registered as from Alpha - Exams getting stuck when not first to start - Multiple package modificators can be now applied - Correct amount of mail in Career Progress - Displaying correct amount of collected coins per world - Better fitting colliders in Mine level [i]*If you checked and think I'm wrong, I'm not. It is not 512 because some package combinations are mutually exclusive. [/i]