v. 0.6.1 Are we there yet?


Deliver packages... in space! Test your agility by navigating through different galaxies carrying diverse packages and upgrade your ship. Will you become the best courier in the universe?

Wonder if you're already the best courier in the universe? There's now a clear visualisation to your career progress! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/a66033a1276ed2fb517da54a90887cd11d5834a7.gif[/img] Radar shows collectibles! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/82a1c3c130a59d51f9970ed29d2683e53a1c39f5.gif[/img] Some say levels are too easy, some say levels are too hard. Remember not to judge difficulty of the whole game by its first (easier) level. A hazard property is now displayed for each world to hint at how dangerous/hard it is to fly there. Also: font now has proper slashes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/f921a3a53e2a0d02b87cc474a5ae0cc4e871f161.png[/img] Wonder which type of perk can be used as a loadout? Well, now it should be obvious: the passive ones. Mind the color sheme is now different. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/6284d7e98e866e09b60705086fc115b47fd0980b.png[/img] [h2] Changelog [/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] - Displaying achievement unlock progress in main menu - Proper slashes to the font - Career progression in Galaxy View - Hazard (difficulty) rating for each world - Radar shows collectibles [h3]Changed[/h3] - Renamed planet T8-IGHT+RRA to TR4-PIST - Swapped perks color scheme [h3]Updated[/h3] - Widith of certain font characters (easier reading, nicer look) [h3]Fixed[/h3] - Summary graphic in tutorial - Game not starting if Steam is not running - Menu opening after choosing a destination