v. 0.5 Take it easy!


Deliver packages... in space! Test your agility by navigating through different galaxies carrying diverse packages and upgrade your ship. Will you become the best courier in the universe?

The most notable difference is [b]a whole new level![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/cc14c327e0fe8faf7a1f88310ad3adbd200e1a4c.png[/img] Let's start simple, with fewer obstacles and less gravity. Your first assignment is to make deliveries on an asteroid mining site! Also, you will start with a self healing package (with a slightly longer heal time of course), but still the first steps you'll take won't be as punishing. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/63af017ed5ea686de005bc67e7794cff19a5863e.gif[/img] [h2] Changelog [/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] - Self healing package type - New level (first, much easier one) [h3]Changed[/h3] - Displaying only relevant pickup and dropoff zones - Improved contrast of planetoids - Limited the scope of the demo - Normal package license can be bought whenever ready [h3]Updated[/h3] - Performance optimizations [h3]Fixed[/h3] - Exams can be taken once discovered