v. 0.7.0 Flying with the big boys


Deliver packages... in space! Test your agility by navigating through different galaxies carrying diverse packages and upgrade your ship. Will you become the best courier in the universe?

Hi! It's been some time but I wast mostly working on the new content for the full version. I can confirm the full version will feature [b]18 LEVELS[/b] The perk number is growing, and sits currently at 30 and I'm not done yet. Have any suggestions? Go on! Now for the update... [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/eb82b4fac52e22c11e7223e614311b0dba2a73c8.png[/img] You can now leave the designated zone. But only for 5 seconds (and since the signal is very weak, expect a low control response). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/8d48ac7b7280f309b14bfca747e451aec817ff57.gif[/img] Once you stayed too long, the rescue ship will collect you (this will damage your reputation with the nearest planet that dispatches the ship!). QoL - or prettyfying in this case (I can't help it - I just like experimenting too much). A nicer tooltip - now with the animated pictogram. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44891244/d0df973ab4f292106b145d23d0f7122eae83d96c.gif[/img] [h2] Changelog [/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] - Slight gravity to HUB to hold ship in center - Parenthesis to the font - Shuttle that takes away disabled ship [b]- 8 new levels (available in full version!) - 3 new planets (available in full version!) - 6 new perks (available in full version!)[/b] - Implemented all achievements (available in full version!) [h3]Updated[/h3] - Graphics optimisations - Code optimisations [h3]Changed[/h3] - Leaving game area causes failure and ship redeployment - Galaxy map layout to display bigger perk icons [h3]Fixed[/h3] - Lava planet glow - Ship stuck at last input when control is cut off - Galaxy map not setting pointer on init - Replicator trait (was same as reroll)