Update ver. 0.4509

isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey

isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey is a 2D action game. Kijino, a cat-eared adventurer with two tails (Nekomata), embarks on a journey to Isekizima (Ruins Island of dreams and romance: as it was written in the tourist brochure). Explore ruins buried in the forest while enjoying ethnic music.

Update ver. 0.4509 - If you have mana in your bag, the conversation about giving it to Miche will now be displayed even while Dashing. Normally, conversation popups with NPCs are omitted while sprinting. If you have mana, simply dashing past Miche will seal it. - When re-entering the same stage from the world map, it is no longer necessary to move the cursor. A confirmation message box will be displayed when re-entering the same stage. This is to prevent accidental operation by pressing the "OK" button when displaying the story, etc. - The fanfare when defeating a boss has been slightly changed. - The initial field design of Ruins of Wind #1 has been slightly changed. This was because many players were accidentally entering the portal that led to the first tutorial.