Update ver. 0.4507

isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey

isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey is a 2D action game. Kijino, a cat-eared adventurer with two tails (Nekomata), embarks on a journey to Isekizima (Ruins Island of dreams and romance: as it was written in the tourist brochure). Explore ruins buried in the forest while enjoying ethnic music.

Update ver. 0.4507 - The specifications and design of the [Control Settings] screen have been changed. - A function has been added to the keyboard key settings that detects and assigns entered keys. - The default assignment for "Retry (Restart Stage from Beginning)" for Xbox and PlayStation controllers has been changed to "Unassigned." [strike]- When controlling a character in a normal stage with the keyboard, the mouse cursor is now hidden. The cursor will appear immediately when you move the mouse.[/strike] It's canceled.