Update ver. 0.4405

isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey

isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey is a 2D action game. Kijino, a cat-eared adventurer with two tails (Nekomata), embarks on a journey to Isekizima (Ruins Island of dreams and romance: as it was written in the tourist brochure). Explore ruins buried in the forest while enjoying ethnic music.

Update ver. 0.4405 - During the battle with the Boss of Ruins of Wind, an issue has been fixed where hitting the Boss's "spear thrusting attack while charging in multiple times" with "100% Matatabi-Syoji-Yaburi" would cause the character's position to shift significantly. - When the Item radar was displayed larger, it was overlapping with Miche's mana gauge, so we moved Miche's gauge.