isekizima: Ruins and Tails Journey is a 2D action game. Kijino, a cat-eared adventurer with two tails (Nekomata), embarks on a journey to Isekizima (Ruins Island of dreams and romance: as it was written in the tourist brochure). Explore ruins buried in the forest while enjoying ethnic music.
Update ver. 0.4407
- Added [Device Select] to the Options menu.
- Changed the design of [Language] in the Options menu.
These settings screens are displayed when you first start the game.
- Changed the design of [Control Settings].
- Changed the default key mapping for Xbox.
Retry: Press R Stick (R3)
Screenshot: RT
- Changed the default key mapping for PS4/PS5.
Menu: Touchpad
Retry: Press R Stick (R3)
[strike]Screenshot: R2[/strike] Correction: The screenshot remains unchanged from the PS logo key.
*You don't need to do the following.
If you delete the "" file in this folder, the program will return to the same state as when it was first started.
Do not delete "" etc. as they are gameplay SaveData.