Update v.


Lead your Viking clan onto unknown shores and carve out a future for your people in the fjords of Frozenheim. Gather resources, expand, and watch your settlement grow to a bustling town that will withstand the harshness of winter and wrath of other clans.

[h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]New feature:[/h3] [list] [*] Added Fame Win Condition [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fix freeze when loading custom game from campaign [*] Fix for crashes when internet is disconnected [*] Multiple fixes for unit movement [*] Fix support for traveling merchant NPC [*] Improve unit responsiveness when capturing objects [*] Adjust placement of rally points of recruit buildings [*] Added notification to traveling merchant [*] Fixed stat screen tooltips [*] Fix scrolling of tutorial panels [*] Block cursor interaction in game settings [*] Fix time not going back to previous setting after pause [*] Multiple localization fixes [*] Fix for incorrect cursor tooltip in some cases [*] Minor navigation fixes [/list]