Frozenheim - Hotfix


Lead your Viking clan onto unknown shores and carve out a future for your people in the fjords of Frozenheim. Gather resources, expand, and watch your settlement grow to a bustling town that will withstand the harshness of winter and wrath of other clans.

[h2]Northernfolk![/h2] Another batch of fixes has docked. [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fix for custom game map selection in Jarl's Tournament. [*] Fix for hide arrows in Jarl's Tournament map selection. [*] Fixed initial resource count in campaign missions. [*] Fix for Jarl's Tournament where you could still use Photo Mode with a shortcut. [*] Fixed an issue where events for weather/season were not saved. [*] Fixed display for building register panel. [*] Fix for campaigns not loading properly in some cases. [*] Added confirmation box for the tutorial. [*] Eliminated cutscene's jitter issues. [*] Fixed freeze on escape after level load. [/list] Keep an eye out on the horizon for new updates that are coming to Frozenheim in 2023. [h2]May Odin protect you![/h2] [h3]Paranoid Interactive & Hyperstrange[/h3]