Jurassic Clans sets in a world where dinosaurs co-exist with humans. Ensure your people thrive in this dangerous world by surviving and evolving your tribe. Search for resources to expand your village, research technologies, defend your people from predators and prepare for the upcoming apocalypse.
Greetings, the new update brings new features and bug fixing.
- Added button to cycle through player houses
- Added new abandoned locations to scavange, weapons/tools, and research boost can be found.
- Added shortcut for Dinosaur's actions, Eat Meat and Eat Fruit (Q)
- Follow camera will save from out of sessions
- Damaged Watch tower would still provide line of sight
- Fixed a technology description that would overflow out of the window on top of other UI
- Fixed Ruins spawning too close to the player
- Properly save load custom renamed units
- Catapults can only be repaired at the Machinery workshop (no longer regenerate hp from houses)
- Beast Pitt would count Dino conversion even when damaged
- Damaged houses will not give pop grow bonus
- Bug causing dino sprite appearing after recruiting a unit.
- Cut logs sprites appearing on top of dino units.
- Dino eat meat restore changed from 20 to 50
- Dino eat fruits restore health changed from 20 to 40
- Miner stat won't show until Stone Works Tech is researched
- Save slot 1 appears selected first-time game is played
Stay stunned, more to come!