UPDATE - The Hint System is LIVE !

Phantasma VR Director's Cut

Phantasma Director's Cut is the new improved version featuring easier puzzles, a new ending and a strong narrative where you step into the shoes of a deranged mind searching for the truth about a conspiracy involving a TV Show hosted by an annoying Bunny called Flappy.

Hello mY DeAR Bunnies ... the Hint System is fiNALLy available. FEElinG LoST ? Press the right grip button and you will get the help you nEEd. FEeLiNG DepReSSeD ? Take a pill and watch TV. You have read that the game is super HaRD. The PEOple are LYING. Now with the Hint System, You will be as smart as a BuNNy (BeCause ... You ARE ONE AnYWaY) and you will SAY PRouDLY : I have FINISHED Phantasma because InTELLIgence is mY MiDDLe NaME. YeS yOU CAN !