Update Sept 23

AntQueen 3D

Experience a game where you live through the cycle of an ant colony. You can dig your own tunnels, organize your colony, customize your army, but you need to survive every wave of attack!

[h1][b][u]Patch 23 September 2019[/u][/b] [/h1] Hi guys and guuurls and welcome back to Ant Queen 3D! [u][h1][u][b]New Stuff[/b][/u][/h1] [/u][list] [*]New amazing mushroom chambers have been added in the game [*]Mushroom chambers can be added just like egg chambers or replete chambers [*]Each mushroom chamber can hold between 10 and 20 mushrooms that can be harvested by the ants with cleaning mushroom task activated. When an ant cleans a mushroom, it becomes a food source and then ants that have the feeding task activated will go and use it to feed the queen or the repletes [*]Mushrooms duplicate over a random time and if the mushroom chamber where they are is saturated, they start the crumble the tunnels nearby and reducing the max room the colony has [*]After a water flood form a rainfall goes away, for each mushroom chamber you have a bunch of mushrooms will be created [*]New Ui buttons for the selection of ants. You can now select each ant class and each ant type. They are placed in group of 5 buttons each of one color Brown-red-yellow-green-blue [*]When the player clicks on an icon it opens a small menu where you can select +5 +15 +1/2 + 2/3 all. A text shows what are you selecting also ex: Selecting Yellow Diggers [*]Egg UI has also been changed. it has migrated next to the spawning buttons. It's not finish, but it's better than previous circle buttons [*]SHIFT key now deselects ants or cancels actions such as putting a chamber [*]Level 16 has been added. There are 4 grasshoppers that duplicate and you got 30min to kill all the grass hoppers on the map. The map really gets swarmed and the player needs to kill the 4 boss and all the spawned baby grasshoppers [*]You can now see how many slots a new chamber would have [*]Chamber visual system has been reversed. If a chamber has 3 spots, circles will appear when they are used [/list] [h1][u][b]Fixed Bugs[/b][/u][/h1] [list] [*]If the player changes the speed during the game, the countdowns like npc spawning, ants losing food, etc will change accordingly and not only when they start back again [*]Activated NPC bosses will stay near their starting zone and not walk all over the map [*]I think i solved the issue where repletes would not get fed [*]Tunnels won't collapse anymore over a set time. Only mushrooms will create collapsing dirt blocks [*]Physiogastry value will not stay blocked at 0 anymore. I completely did a new equation with no possible zeros. Maybe it goes up too fast now. To be tested [*]Ant counts numbers have been reduce to fit more the circles [*]Fixed a bug where a replete would die while an ant would be on its way to feed it. The ant carrying the food would get stuck with food in its mouth and stop moving [*]Fixed a few rock collider issues that would break the pathfinding. If the player would have had the entrance under a rock the rocks will be destroyed [*]The player can no longer set patrollers while underground [*]Flood water won't go as high as before and it will start from down go up and go back down again [*]Grasshoppers of tier 3 a way bigger and more resistant [*]Level texts have been changed to explain to deselect with Shift key [*]Added the shift key in the small indicator at the lower part of the screen [*]As always, typos!!! [/list] [h1][u][b]To Do[/b][/u][/h1] [olist] [*]Finish Level 16 [*]Add the Control key with scrolling of mouse or + - to increment or reduce the number of ants selected. Ex: if you have 3 workers, 4 diggers and 1 soldier, if you scroll up + hold control you would have 4,5,2 respectively [*]Add Level 17 with the tutorial of mushroom chambers [/olist] [h1]Special thanks to [/h1] ralfaltmann Capuzzi09 Lazytribe Thank you and have a good week!