Game reset - August 10

AntQueen 3D

Experience a game where you live through the cycle of an ant colony. You can dig your own tunnels, organize your colony, customize your army, but you need to survive every wave of attack!

In 3 weeks from now, around the 10 of August, there will be a big patch an a reset will be required. Sorry for the inconvenience, but believe me it's going to be worth it. WHY?! [url=] Layered Digging[/url] because I am adding a new feature that will allow you to dig on multiple layers inside your colony. You will be able to dig way further down, add new chambers on top of other chambers, there will be a new temperature system that will affect the growth of eggs, the water levels will not go all the way up, etc.. I would love to give you the update faster, but my PC is out or reach. Cheers