PATCH 2.26

AntQueen 3D

Experience a game where you live through the cycle of an ant colony. You can dig your own tunnels, organize your colony, customize your army, but you need to survive every wave of attack!

[h1][b]Hi, and welcome to Ant Queen 3D[/b][/h1] Patch 2.26 [h1][u]NEW STUFF[/u][/h1] [*]New description for in the task UI help text [*]When you reach Level 15 you unlock a bigger map for the sandbox [*]Steam achievement when completing level 14 [*]Level 15 map looks amazing now! I'm happy with the end result [*]Text telling how to use the enemy colony entrance button [*]UI Text showing how many rooms are free in each chamber. Launched by hovering with the mouse over on a chamber pheromone [*]5 new quests in the sandbox mode! [/list] [h1][u]FIXED STUFF[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Physiogastry countdown was getting stuck at 0. It's a good math equation, but it has a flaw...getting stuck if it came to be zero. [*]Some times all the ants would freeze. The pathfinding grid was being separated into two grids and so upside and downworld would not be connected anymore. I played with a few values to prevent this from happening. [*]Soundtrack would be still be audible even if UI slider was set to zero [*]Changed a few text in campaign intros [*]Early levels tell the player to also activate feeding on nursers [*]Quest Ladder system fixed in sandbox more. [*]Beetle Speed was to high [*]Tuning of the task system for the ants [*]Tuning of the patrol system [/list] [h1][u]WORK IN PROGRESS[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Build Level 16 and forward [*]Work on new level objectives and not repeat previous levels [/list] Once more, thank you for helping me out. Cheers