Patch 1.99

AntQueen 3D

Experience a game where you live through the cycle of an ant colony. You can dig your own tunnels, organize your colony, customize your army, but you need to survive every wave of attack!

[h1][b]Hi, and welcome to Ant Queen 3D[/b][/h1] [h1][u]NEW STUFF[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Soundtrack audio and game sounds now each have their own slider [*]Digging has a cooldown of one second. [*]Saving got fix. The issue was that player could dig to infinity. The player could be a level 4 with 6 ants and dig a colony the size of the entire map. Since digging creates blocks to be excavated, you could have to save 10000 block that requires to save x.y.z position for each. For now the easy fix is you cannot dig further your colony if you have more than 200 dirt blocks to excavate. [*]The player can no longer in level 3-4-5 [*]If your colony is too close to a spider web, the web is destroyed. And if there was an NPC that would have been triggered from walking in it, the NPC is also destroyed. The level is then adjusted [*]Main menu says whats version your are playing on [/list] [h1][u]FIXED STUFF[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Digging assistant stops getting stuck in red phase [*]Nurser don't have by default the rescue action activated, Soldiers do. [*]The NPC spawner only counts adult ants [*]The end game sparkles are no longer active during a level [*]Some level texts have been changed [/list] [h1][u]WORK IN PROGRESS[/u][/h1] [list] [*]Level 16 is under construction [*]Ai colony gameplay [/list] Once more, thank you for helping me out. Cheers