Update released:

New features: [list] [*] Added option to talk to your townsmen (they react to greetings like "Hi!" or "Hello!" and get offended if you insult them. [*] Added option to deactivate voice input in general. [*] People can now stand on soldier buildings with a flat roof (archer barracks, crossbowmen barracks and knight castle). [/list] General fixes: [list] [*] Removed broken translations for Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese. [*] Fixed controller bindings for Mixed Reality and Oculus controllers to detect index finger movement. [*] Enabled finger movement in loading scenes. [*] Fixed problem grabbing resources from the "trading" storages from harbors. [*] Fixed spawn animations playing when they shouldn't. [*] Fixed more jobs and resources being shown in the island info than actually available on this island. [*] Deactivated global illumination in loading and splash scenes. [*] Fixed unlock effects (buildings, research etc.) being shown after loading if they already have been shown before. [*] Fixed showing overlapping construction steps after loading. [*] Deleted a stone on the ground of enemy gate destruction steps that would float in some maps. [*] Fixed missing reference of trading point from both TradingController and TradingSlot on load. [*] Fixed an issue where a ship could be sent back to the spawn position after save/load. [*] Brew resource collider is now a cube, so it doesn't roll when dropped. [*] Fixed chests hidden on islands already showing their info button before they have been found. [*] Blocked some places where buildings could be constructed although there was not enough space vertically (overhanging cliffs). [/list] Level specific fixes: [list] [*] Made some decoration removable on Fog Island, Treasure Island, Capital Island, Solitary Island, New Port. [*] Fixed Fog Island quest system: unlock of residence moved to later point in quest line to prevent skipping ahead when playing very fast. [*] Deactivated normal fish spawning in Capital Island ocean. [*] Fixed fish on Twin Island swimming through a small island in the lake. [*] Adjusted Twin Island ship route to avoid possible collisions with other routes. [*] Fixed Solitary Island cut off voice line of Enswick. [*] Fixed Prison Island game over message not triggering when catapult is destroyed. [*] Fixed New Port mine being counted as under water. [*] Fixed quest on New Port finishing before the required trade ship is built. [*] Fixed some enemy towers on Volcano Island not allowing people to stand on top of them. [*] Removed back-face culling of volcano shader (should now also be visible from within the island). [/list] Known major issues: [list] [*] Trading and ships still can have some issues not being loaded correctly after saving. We are still working on a fix. [*] The game won't load if your system language is Turkish. This will be fixed in the next update. [/list]