Townsmen VR is getting the huge update players have been eagerly awaiting for a long time.
First off: Thank you all for your patience. It took us way longer than initially planned to bring you this update, but we're confident that it has been worth waiting for. This complete overhaul of the game includes:
[*] A fully voiced story campaign arching over 13 islands
[*] Around 20 resources and over 20 buildings
[*] More than 30 upgrades and add-ons for your buildings
[*] Your new monks and nuns can research even more build options
[*] New animals like cows, sheep, chickens, and even wild animals that are roaming the islands
[*] A fully-fledged trading system, complete with a harbor, ships, and marketplace
[*] In addition to your archers and knights you can expand your troops with swordsmen, spearmen, and crossbowmen (and -women)
[*] Deal with dangerous pirates and shady merchants
[*] Discover hidden secrets on every island
[*] Completely revamped UI and more quality of life improvements
All that and more awaits you in the newer, bigger, and better Townsmen VR which is NOW LIVE! We're excited to hear your feedback!
Thanks for playing!