Update for enhance quality of life

Pirate Patrol

Command your carrier ship and lead covert operations against a ruthless enemy in this immersive sci-fi tactical RPG. Send your fighters on missions, loot, upgrade your ships and train new officers and pilots.

[h3]1.Scan and Loot[/h3] With our new update, we have disabled the "icon" clicking issue that caused problems with Scan and Loot. Now all you have to do is select the fighter to scan or loot and right-click on the shipwreck to be scanned or the find to be looted. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43756138/85bf6c017350573406cc7fd793437c5fc6cabec9.png[/img] [h3]2.Select Fighters and Turrets with Num Keys [/h3] With this update, you can now select fighters and turrets with the number keys. To select fighters, you can use the [b]1,2,3,4 and 5 keys[/b]. This order depends on which BAY the fighter is assigned to. Number 1 for fighter in BAY 1, number 5 for fighter in BAY 5... Also, during combat, you can see the pilot's name and BAY number of the fighter under the Fighter sprite. To select the Turrets, you now had to press the Turret number with the [b]+SHIFT key.[/b] In previous versions, Turrets could only be selected by pressing the 1,2,3,4,5 keys, but after the auto-fire feature, the fire control of mini turrets was largely automated. You can use combinations of [b]SHIFT+3[/b] for the Large Turret and SHIFT+6 and SHIFT+7 for the Missile launchers. You can also select these turrets by left-clicking on the Mothership, or you can open the Turrets panel and click on the relevant turret's panel. This way you can select them and have them ready for target selection. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43756138/2da4073e38ce6fda2b81263768bb84d17d3c4e3d.png[/img] [h3]3. Recall all fighters to the mothership[/h3] Among the fighter control buttons, there is now a "Recall All" button in the 3rd row to call all fighters in space to the mother ship at once. When you press this, all fighters on duty in space will return to the mother ship. We believe that this is a button that will make the job of our players much easier after conflicts and collecting loot. As our experienced players will notice, there are no Scan and Loot buttons in the button row anymore. As we explained in the first title, you can now automatically start the scan and loot process by right-clicking on shipwrecks. *** Some small reminders: [b]Level: [/b] We see that some of our players have not yet noticed the Levels of friendly and enemy warriors. The game awards XP to Captain Lionheart and fighter pilots every time you destroy an enemy ship. This is not yet noticeable, but in the following battles you may encounter enemies of much different levels. You can see the Levels of your friendly warriors at the top of the fighter sprite. If you are going to attack a very high level enemy, we recommend that you organize your fighters as a team, because high level enemies can be strong enough to cause heavy damage even to the mother ship, and of course, they can cut your fighters's armors like paper. [b]Pilot priorities:[/b] You should not expect the pilots under your command to strictly obey your every command. If these NPC pilots, under the control of artificial intelligence, sense an emergency, they may decide to abandon their mission and intervene in this emergency. For example, you may have tasked a pilot with scanning enemy debris. However, one of his comrades may have been under heavy enemy attack at that time. In this case, the NPC pilot may choose to abandon the scan mission you gave and run to the aid of his friend. In many situations like this, you may witness pilots leaving your command by analyzing the situation around them. Don't panic, you can try giving orders to your pilots until they accept your authority. But we don't know if it will work. Artificial intelligence's mind can work differently. We wish you hours of fun in the game and we welcome your feedback. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43756138/33082d5ca79e644cd74743a95041d20a1e2d6bdb.png[/img]