Update April 20, 2023

SpaceCraft Brawl

Build spacecrafts and fight with or against your friends! This game offers physics driven gameplay, with a variety of weapons and powerups. Slice your enemies in half with a laser beam, or erase them from existence with a black hole bomb!

[h2]UPDATES[/h2] [h3]General[/h3] [list] [*] Added more linear and angular drag on players main spacecraft body. This will make it easier to slow down or fully stop moving. [*] Did the tedious task of replacing Facepunch.Steamworks with raw Steamworks.Net code. This is mostly to make data sent from clients more trustworthy, and to make adding and editing anything steam related more flexible. [*] Added a few steam achievements, mostly just to test it. [*] Reworked the player banning system. You can only ban a limited number of players from joining your servers. Banned players will not see your servers in the server list. You will get a warning in the text chat if your ban-list is full. You can reset your ban-list in the options menu. [*] Added button to view user steam profile when right-clicking a player. [*] Added button to add user as friend when right-clicking a player. [/list] [h3]Game modes[/h3] [list] [*] Capture the point: players can now capture points when contested, at reduced speeds. [/list] [h3]Multiplayer Lobby[/h3] [list] [*] Added button to display friend list and easily invite friends to lobby. [/list] [h3]Options[/h3] [list] [*] Added button to unban all players. [*] Added button to unmute all players. [/list] [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] [h3]General[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed some ship blocks getting destroyed instead of being set inactive and put back in pool. [*] Fixed some ship blocks density being set incorrectly. [*] Fixed ship bodies being affected by black hole bomb pull while spawning. [*] Fixed ship bodies not being damaged by black hole bomb if entering it from a spawn point. [*] Fixed map name not being displayed in screen message when confirming saving or deletion of map. [*] Fixed scrolling not working properly in map selecter, ship selecter, text chat, and map editor inventory. [*] Esc button will now properly close most windows/popups. [/list] [h3]Multiplayer Lobby[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed kicking players not working. [*] Fixed unbanning players while in someone elses game not working. [*] Fixed host always getting put in the spectator team when creating a game. [*] Fixed displayed player pings being incorrect. [/list]