Update 8.1 Now Available! 50+ new items, major performance & visual improvements

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball

A futuresport FPS where you race around a skate park / dance club and nail each other with dodgeball trick shots. Singleplayer + Local Multiplayer + Online Multiplayer with 27 different objective-based game modes...or create your own!

Update 8.1 is finally out and ready to play! The biggest addition is more than 50 items, many of which were created by players in the workshop: [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5831165/0577f4b392eae6de284ef7e4b5337129ae1c5460.png[/img] This includes a brand new category of cosmetic item: ball reskins! [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5831165/c6013146a0a5e6699b50c2482ffac34ac23794da.png[/img] Additionally a ton of improvements and fixes were made. The game will look better and play more smoothly than ever. Download the update and check out all the changes! [h1]Features[/h1] [*] Misc option added to enable / disable custom ball skins [*] Added link to official Discord server (Community / Discord Lobby) [*] Added new Misc option: Show Online Chat (on, off, or ‘default only’ like kudos, gg) [*] Players are announced when they join the room [*] Added safe mode & safe preset (all video settings off or as low as possible). Hit spacebar within 2 seconds of main menu launching to activate. Will show ‘Safe Mode Activated”. Good if you’re having technical issues or need to enter photosensitive mode [*] The Kudos key can be used to thank the player who assisted your last KO [*] Audio lowpass filter added to music while in spawn area, to make it seem like you’re standing outside a dance club [h1]Performance Improvements[/h1] [*] Many changes to ‘pool’ objects like player bots and explosions to reduce any stutter when players explode or respawn [*] Materials are smartly cached, shared, and re-used to increase overall performance [*] Better performance around powerup pickup spawning / collect [*] Fixed physics bug that was reducing effective framerate while moving & looking around, so players at > 120 fps will now have a dramatically smoother experience [*] Networked player movement is now much smoother [*] Dramatically improved performance of Aquarium level [*] Increased network message send rate for smoother movement and less lag for throws and KOs [*] Dodgeball physics are interpolated, meaning their movement is no longer capped at 120 fps and is overall less jumpy [h1]Visual Improvements[/h1] [*] Improved performance and appearance of ‘stun’ spark gibs [*] Added glowing rim around ball when it’s available to collect / catch [*] Improved ball visibility [*] New bot explode gibs FX [*] Death Spiral updates to match player color [*] Improved LightBike effect [*] Improved BlueFire effect [*] Improved Energy Shot effect [*] Improved box explosion effects [*] Made arena lighting more consistent [*] Default items show an icon in garage panel [h1]Fixes / Adjustments[/h1] [*] Prevented BBCode from being used in text chat (could be used for spoofing) [*] Removed extreme reflection glare in Reactor [*] Room Info button stays enabled after selecting a room and going back to the match search panel [*] Fixed back button on Workshop Dashboard bringing you to wrong options menu [*] Renamed Mouth category to Face [*] Rearranged customization category list [*] Removed mid-match level up notification [*] Added more AI pathways in Nexus into center pit [*] Default spawn shield duration increased from 3 sec to 4 sec [*] Video Replay quality defaults to ‘Off’ in the Low and Medium presets [*] Photosensitive preset also lowers brightness [*] Video Preset value will only change to ‘custom’ if you change a video setting that is determined by the preset [*] Fixed missing volumetric lights in Trifecta [*] Fixed typo: “Vote Passsed” [*] Rearranged 'Workshop' menu button under new 'Community' button, containing Follow / Forums / Discord link buttons as well [*] Fixed custom songs (from workshop or custom folder) not playing twice - and if your playlist consisted of only custom songs, having it very rapidly switch lighting programs [*] Light animations now work during custom songs [*] Fixed an increasingly CPU-taxing loop from occuring when consecutively playing many custom songs [*] Music player handles ‘all songs disabled’ situation better - doesn’t try to play a new song every udpate. And enabling one song will begin playback again [*] Remoted unused Trophy category from inventory panel [*] Thrown balls have a bit of angular velocity [*] Added more ceiling lights to Nexus [*] Held dodgeballs are always at normal size, even if you have the big ball powerup [*] Stopped Arcade from replace completed missions between levels, which was creating the impression that completed missions weren’t getting completion credit [*] Fixed bug where ending an Arcade match in a level without getting any kills wasn’t giving any credit for Arcade levels completed [*] Renamed ‘Force Drop’ mission to ‘Disarm KO’ [*] Arcade boss shows ‘Stunned’ text when stunned [*] Fixed Quick Play matches having blank match settings menu