
Who will you become to triumph? A turn-based RPG where your personality traits change your powers and proficiencies. Combine personality traits, rare weapons, and 20+ classes into endless team compositions; combos & builds are the keys to surviving your long journey towards Yaengard.

[i]Yaengard was always a passion project - we built our own dream RPG. Even though the first salvo of updates post-release is finished, we still always want to make MORE — endless ideas, dreams, and concepts we’d love to bring you. Sadly, we can’t do everything we dream of as a small developer studio. Thank you for caring and playing Yaengard. You’re the greatest there is.[/i] [h1]Update 6 - Combat Overhaul[/h1] Short version: [list] [*] More game, less slog! [*] Deeper builds & combat! [*] More decisions that matter! [*] Ability-system overhaul: cooldowns! [*] New entire item type; combat items! [*] New encounter type: Rare champion bosses! [*] Progression log over multiple runs [*] A ton of polish, improvements, and bug fixes. [/list] [h2]Objectives:[/h2] [list] [*] Improve the game's speed, letting you play more in less time! [*] Deepen the strategic depth of combat, positioning, and builds. [*] Add new strategic and tactical decisions throughout the game. [*] Completely rework consumables into build-changing combat items. [*] Add a sense of progression over multiple runs! [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/ae474b2ad93d1e7969431999223a9fb3a30962d7.png[/img] One of Yaengard’s weaknesses is time. It is an incredible journey of builds, personalities, and character development. However, when a ‘run’ takes 5-30 hours, most players barely get to experience their 1st party setup. By adding a ‘combat speed’ setting, reducing the # of encounters per level, and letting you progress faster through the early game - you can enjoy the excellent parts of the game more (and the tedious parts less). Additionally, an overhaul of combat abilities! Abilities now have cooldowns. This creates A LOT of strategic depth as you can’t build around a single ability and spam. About 30% of abilities have been changed and improved! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/a82c366f791af3787b74e6c4bb5aaad90af1cdd2.png[/img] [h1]Changelog Update 6[/h1] [h3]New Features & Mechanics:[/h3] [list] [*] Added cooldowns to every ability in the game, including balance changes to reflect this. [*] Added a basic attack ability to all weapons. [*] Completely re-done the potions and consumables; combat items are way cooler and unlock new potential for multiple builds. [*] Added special avenues of attack cards for ALL combats, based on your character’s personalities and skills. Personalities now have a much deeper impact on combat. [*] Added a ‘combat speed’ setting to lower combat durations. [*] Added setting to increase the speed of combat (primarily through animations) [*] Added requirements for some non-combat card options so only adventurers with certain personalities can get/select them. [*] Added unique abilities to legendary boss drops. [*] Added more rare legendary boss drops. [*] Added rare champions you can encounter; defeat them for rare combat items to build your characters around, or die trying. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/67f8d542b5b9d6c776b70ba9556fa122f23f38b0.png[/img] [h3]Progression[/h3] Added The Archive, a collection log to track everything you find during your journey. Look up special abilities, design your builds, and embrace your inner completionist. Get that 0% to 100%! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/ec4ae150605b8ecb236c952e5e36a556b26023a7.png[/img] [h3]Improvements, Balance, & Polish:[/h3] [list] [*] Reduced XP required to level up, reducing the total # of encounters by 20%. [*] Tweaked some enemies, including wasps, to increase consistency in combat difficulty. [*] Re-did early-game trinkets to be more impactful by letting them scale per level. [*] Many minor balance improvements (especially around might). [/list] [h3]Fixes & Bugs:[/h3] [list] [*] Nerfed wasps (which accidentally sometimes were 3-5x as tanky as intended) [*] Fixed a bug that caused summons to be on the wrong team [*] Fixed major bug causing armor to suck, and bloodcurse not properly countering armor. [*] Fixed some outdated tutorial popups [*] Re-did HP scaling for units to be less extreme with crazy modifiers, and scale as expected with multiple layers of buffs/debuffs. For Act 2, complete HP-rework for all enemies. [*] Updated ~6 trinket perks to behave more intuitively. [*] Fixed a bug that caused perks to be swapped out when loading a saved game. [*] Multiple fixes (missing icons, typos, logic errors) with challenge modes & enemies might [*] Multiple improvements to text and dialogue (editing). [*] Updated a ton of ability descriptions for accuracy, language, behavior, and clarity. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/fc50eb8be970e581f248449777431084a0d23f6e.png[/img] Never lose hope! Adventure onwards, Will Talk to us on Discord: https://discord.gg/MS2Zst3XJP Website (FAQ): https://planeshiftinteractive.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planeshifters Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planeshifters Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNYTCoBZ6lrpBUD3eE9gF2w Presskit: https://planeshiftinteractive.com/press/