
Who will you become to triumph? A turn-based RPG where your personality traits change your powers and proficiencies. Combine personality traits, rare weapons, and 20+ classes into endless team compositions; combos & builds are the keys to surviving your long journey towards Yaengard.

[h1]Well met, Adventurers![/h1] Today we are releasing CONTENT UPDATE 5 for Yaengard! [list] [*] Added Nightmare Difficulty [*] Unspoken Modes [*] Challenge Modes [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/73018532b4fc8d4ea82ab1359882ceeaae8cca15.gif[/img] [h2]Nightmare Difficulty[/h2] In playtesting Yaengard, we always found it interesting when you had to make hard decisions to survive. This works great when the game is difficult, but a hard game is tough to get into as a new player. While we heavily prefer games with a single difficulty (from Super Mario to the 'Souls games), we have decided to add Nightmare difficulty. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/265845ad53f8ebf5be8d7d7a77780ce164652eb7.png[/img] Nightmare difficulty can be applied to any other challenge or unspoken run, turning the game into a gritty-realism experience of resource management, tough decisions, and harsh survival. [h2]Unspoken Modes[/h2] [i]Can you unlock them all?[/i] Apart from a challenge, we also wanted Yaengard to have some sense of progression outside the roguelike-style "runs". Therefore, we have added a 5-step "[i]Unspoken modes[/i]" where each run becomes harder and harder -- where defeating the third act unlocks the next difficulty. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/fda706f5009f340c7e1c61179318d43383028128.png[/img] [h2]Challenge Modes[/h2] [i]Can you handle it?[/i] Challenge modes are different from the Unspoken modes. While they are still hard and will force you to prove your skill, they also fundamentally change how the game works. These challenge modes will test your game knowledge, and your ability to adapt to new rules, and hopefully be a blast to play! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/4c3d26cdd488ac966fd5424cfdfb429c577529f9.png[/img] [h2]Balance Fixes[/h2] Balancing a game like Yaengard is really hard - players have different levels of strategic skill, tastes in difficulty, and build preferences. However, we have chatted with hundreds of players and two opinions are very common: Act 2 is too easy and Falira (Act 1 Boss) is over-tuned. Both these have been rectified in Update 5. [h1]Complete Update 5 Change Log[/h1] [list] [*] Added Nightmare Difficulty ([i]Normal, Hardcore, Nightmare[/i]) [*] Added 5 Unspoken Modes to unlock and defeat! [*] Added 9 Challenge Modes [*] Added an "Easy-mode" called Fourth-Well, which some players have requested. [*] Changed Packhunter Archetype & Traditional Combat Perk to grant Crowded immunity. [*] Fixed bug that prevented you from using destiny more than 3 times in a turn. [*] Fixed multi-use ability perks to work as intended. [*] Falira is weaker and will summon minions less often. [*] Depthwalker casters have had their HP reduced, making them easier to face. [*] Act 2 combats are harder across the board. [*] Added a new Act 1 forest location with new encounters. [*] High-level armor now has an upper limit of how much dodge each piece can grant. [*] Tweaked down high-level dodge armor. [*] Improved descriptions of status effects. [*] Added a man brooding in the tavern shadows. Good luck facing the Antlion. [*] Upgraded some ability sound effects. [*] Re-worked Lightbringer Class ability (Read: Nerfed) [*] Rebuilt some crossbow ability visuals to break less often. [*] Fixed bug in character creation that would break starting a new game. [*] Fixed bug where traditional 9 would sometimes grant pragmatic combat perks. [*] Fixed bug where Sustain Siege (Crossbow class ability) wouldn't grant control ground. [*] Fixed incorrect description on class ability Final Conquest [*] Fixed bug where certain perks would prevent you from inflicting any status effects. [*] Fixed Story of Fortune (Artistry Ability)'s incorrect popup text. [*] Fixed bug where some armor pierces (cool hat!) had a broken description. [*] Many minor spelling errors corrected. [*] Fixed bug that would cause your characters to become completely black. [*] Reworked Firecrack to work as intended. [*] Fixed bug where crossbow ability "Twin precision" was the strongest ability in the game. [*] Fixed class Ability "Wanderlust" so it actually does what the description says. [*] Fixed crossbow "Deathbolt" was misconfigured and critical striking instead of killing enemies. [/list] Finally, a lot of people missed that we added a class-information glossary to the pause menu in the last update! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/c0bf267847a9fea1049ae813dc716ea3f3554845.gif[/img] That is all for now, but stay tuned for what the future will bring! Best Regards and Adventure Onwards, Will [i]Do you want to be part of Yaengards development? Decide what we'll add?[/i] Talk to us on Discord: https://discord.gg/MS2Zst3XJP Website (FAQ): https://planeshiftinteractive.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planeshifters Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planeshifters Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNYTCoBZ6lrpBUD3eE9gF2w Presskit: https://planeshiftinteractive.com/press/ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/5331789049926b54dfb4c6ec48a61972125f8e97.jpg[/img]