
Who will you become to triumph? A turn-based RPG where your personality traits change your powers and proficiencies. Combine personality traits, rare weapons, and 20+ classes into endless team compositions; combos & builds are the keys to surviving your long journey towards Yaengard.

[h1]Update 4 has arrived![/h1] It's been really amazing to hear all your feedback on the game, so we continue to work hard to make new updates! I am STOKED to bring you the newest one: Update 4! This is the 4th update that is coming your way since the release 20 days ago, and this one is the largest so far! We have new weapons, a full character creator with new mechanics, a ton of new abilities, 7 classes, and a long list of smaller improvements! [h2]Major | Crossbows & Classes [/h2] After hearing so many requests for non-magical ranged weapons - we could simply not say no! Introducing the 7th weapon category (12th weapon type); CROSSBOWS! [previewyoutube=TLHEHwbtcF4;full][/previewyoutube] (From the previous teaser, but still 100% valid!) [list] [*] 16 Crossbows to find & loot [*] Multiple new crossbow-wielding enemies [*] 21 new abilities to find & use in your builds [/list] [h3]7 New Crossbow Classes[/h3] [list] [*] Arbalest [*] Phoenix [*] Sentinel [*] Stalker [*] Ranger [*] Depth-Hunter [/list] [h2]Major | Character Creation [/h2] For a game where you begin with nearly completely blank characters, SO MANY of you have requested a proper character creator. As changing names was so hard to find that you had to make [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2805527636]a tutorial for changing names[/url], we had no choice but to create it for you! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/c2840ee7c2e548f48378632f2728c02ac9abdf52.gif[/img] Now when you begin your adventure (both in normal mode & hardcore), you get to: [list] [*] Set your character name! [*] Select your background & the starting stats they come with! [*] Select a starting personality combo! [*] Pick from a set of brand new feats! [*] Build your character looks yourself! [*] New scars, tattoos, and beard options! [/list] [h2]Major | Class Library [/h2] A common occurrence in the discord is people asking for classes - something we never wanted. In our original design, we had much fewer classes than the 28 classes we have today! So now, you can check what weapons are needed for which class & their class ability at any time! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/c0bf267847a9fea1049ae813dc716ea3f3554845.gif[/img] [h2]Minor & Other Changes[/h2] Aside from the major features added, we are constantly fixing 100s of small issues, making tiny improvements, and improving the game. Some we find ourselves (or know about), but most are things requested or reported by you guys through the discord! (Thank you!) [list] [*] A TON of typos & text issues resolved [*] Storm will no longer trigger through dodge [*] Shadow Transfusion added [*] Improved armor scaling [*] Tuned down the Act 1 boss (which was too difficult) [*] Improved some ability VFX to be more impactful [*] Fixed multiple perks which were not working as intended [*] Melancholy, Crush, Acquired Target & Become the Storm are all now working as intended. [*] Increased rate of rare drops & multi-ability weapons [*] Adjusted some combat walls to be more organic which you can attack over [*] Updated a few icons to better versions [*] Reworked multiple buffing abilities to last much longer. [*] Added some responsive warnings when players try to take actions that don't work. [*] Improvements to game balance! [/list] [h2]Final Notes[/h2] We made Yaengard because we love RPGs - not for any other reasons. It's perhaps therefore unsurprising that we have VAULTS of stupid ideas we'd love to implement into the game. You should see our war-room. But, sadly we are a tiny development team and must select carefully what we implement. Character creation, engagement mechanics, and physical ranged weapons have consistently been the top 3 requested features -- all here! If you wish to become part of the Yaengard family and help decide what content we should focus on next, [url=https://discord.gg/MS2Zst3XJP]join the discord![/url] Those in the discord discuss builds, chat with us about new ideas, and help track down bugs/issues! If you have played and enjoyed Yaengard, please consider dropping a review on Steam! It helps us more than you think! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/5331789049926b54dfb4c6ec48a61972125f8e97.jpg[/img] Thank you for reading these patch notes and being part of the adventure! I look forward to continuing work on Yaengard! Adventure onwards, Will Head of Design, Planeshift Yaengard on Steam: https://bit.ly/3wdrEMU Talk to us on Discord: https://discord.gg/MS2Zst3XJP Website (FAQ): https://planeshiftinteractive.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planeshifters Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planeshifters Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNYTCoBZ6lrpBUD3eE9gF2w Presskit: https://planeshiftinteractive.com/press/