ROADMAP - Yaengard's updates after release


Who will you become to triumph? A turn-based RPG where your personality traits change your powers and proficiencies. Combine personality traits, rare weapons, and 20+ classes into endless team compositions; combos & builds are the keys to surviving your long journey towards Yaengard.

One of the hardest things about making an indie game is prioritization. You're in a natural state of a billion ideas, each one more daring than what a AAA studio would take a risk on. But on the other hand, resources are scarce - time being the most costly one. We have so many ideas that had to be skipped, postponed, or changed to be able to make the amazing game that is now nearly here. But then, with no further ado, I present to you our plans for after May 5th! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40031752/844f3e13cd4deb6869c2427c76ace02fefdfd983.png[/img] [h2]New Encounters[/h2] In development, we were always worried about encounter density. We wanted each adventure to feel different and varied - which I do think we achieved. However, in brainstorming, we have SO MANY crazy ideas for encounters that we would love to put into play. More legendary challenges, rare enemies, rare bosses/elites, better shopkeepers, complex skill challenges, and much more! We plan to bring these encounters for you to find after release! [h2]Loot & Abilities[/h2] At its core, Yaengard is a looter game. It's all about looting, and then building your dream-party with the loot you find, adapting to your drops. We really love the idea that you could find a rare item that CHANGES EVERYTHING, then build your team around that. Yaengard absolutely has that now, but we'd like to double down on it. THEN DOUBLE DOWN AGAIN. [h2]New Game + | Unspoken Modes[/h2] When playing a game over and over you become very knowledgable - and when the playtesters then join the game is HARD. Yaengard is very deep in strategy, and a new player may struggle where seasoned players triumph. So we have planned to add an ascension mode, giving new unique challenges to players who already beat the base game. New mechanics, challenges, and limitations in multiple challenge-new-game-+ modes! [h2]Ranged Weapons![/h2] We always wanted to have physical ranged weapons in Yaengard - right now, it's just brimming with arcane power - but as we currently have a 1-handed weapon design, there aren't that many paths to go. Javelins? Darts? Throwing stones? Slings? There aren't that many ranged weapons one uses with one hand. But, we have landed on hand crossbows - classic D&D rogue weapon. Crossbows will be built around Agility and Talent, utilizing the focus mechanically. Crossbows will add an entirely new set of abilities, new loot to find, and most excitingly: 6 new classes to the game for you to find ways to break! [h2]Honorable Mentions[/h2] We have said in the past that we'd love to look into other platforms, consoles, and other "meta" updates to the game. These major projects can be really tough, filled with uncertainty. That said, we are still looking into all of them and still hope to deliver that too! Of course, we'll also provide all types of bug fixes, balancing tweaks, and take player suggestions! We are an indie studio after all - we support our community & game! Thank you for being interested in Yaengard - we're just RPG nerds just like you making our ambitious dream RPG! Adventure onwards, Will Talk to us on Discord: Website (FAQ): Twitter: Facebook: Youtube: Presskit: