Update 46 - Improvements

Medieval Kingdom Wars

Rewrite medieval history through bloody siege combat in a fusion of RTS and Grand Strategy genres. Rule, build, and serve your King as a minor lord in medieval Europe. Experience siege, field and naval combat with an unseen degree of brutality. Rogue-like progression, epic towns and battles await…

Hey Everyone, We have a solid update 47 for you today, in which update we focused on various visual improvements as well as a usual set of fixes and polish. In addition we have resolved a major issue that we unfortunately introduced into the game in our last 45th update. With that said - let`s take a closer look at what update 46 has in store: [list] [*]Fixed a rare crash when entering large towns from the world map [*]Improvements to the visual rendering with updates to light processing [*]Reworked nighttime and rain time in-game light [*]It`s a lot easier to see units during darker light now [*]Major improvement to rainy and winter day/nighttime light and effects [*]Major visual improvements to large towns [*]Large towns buildings now light up windows during the night with radiant light [*]Town buildings now have fireplace smoke and other props and visual effects [*]Hamlet village houses also update some new visual effects [*]Some polish and updates to building plots [*]Building plots now show shorter name Plot instead of Building Plot string [*]Fixed major visual problem with major towns where scrolling around made building textures flicker [*]Improved texture rendering on various objects in large town [*]Reworked camera rotation and movement flow for RTS camera – it`s a lot smoother and cinematic now [*]Improvements to zoom speeds both on World Map and RTS camera [*]Fixes visual effects from various smaller objects showing floating health points bar random [*]Village houses and palisade walls segments will not longer show dozens of health point bars [/list]