Vertigo Void is a challenging 3D puzzle-platformer which demands a keen eye and sharp memory. As a lone astronaut, walk up walls, jump across the void of space (or fall in) and teleport your way to safety or else face the Sun's wrath.
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the great comments and suggestions on the forums, we appreciate all your feedback!
We've taken everything you guys have been saying in the threads and in videos and compiled an update. With that said, here's the list of updates:
[*]Default control scheme can now be seen at a glance from the pause screen.
[*]New tutorials added to levels 3, 4 & 10. These tutorials introduce and explain the Peek, Beacon and edge walking mechanics.
[*]Level 4 completely redone to introduce and clarify edge walking mechanic.
[*]Holding the right analog stick down will now trigger the "peek" function.
[*]Various tutorial messages reworked to feature the default key/button.
[*]Fixed incorrect level name displaying on level complete when playing custom levels.
[*]Added new player death type when they become trapped flipping between two Bounce Blocks.
[*]Viewing angle for looking up/left/right increased slightly.
[*]Animation transitions smoothed slightly.