Update 13: Battle System, Item System Changes

Master Bladesmith

This unique RPG blends VR action and progression. Mine materials, buy equipment, build your arsenal by crafting more and more powerful blades. Battle in the Time Chamber to test your creations as you progress through levels, and build your character as you upgrade your equipment.

[h1] Battle system rewrite that fixes the following issues:[/h1] - Various causes of assert error signs appearing in the time chamber fixed - Massive slowdown after leaving time chamber fix. - The bow can now be thrown and retrieved inside the time chamber. - Various sources of phantom damage corrected. - The battle will tell you at the beginning if you are missing your weapon or bow, instead of halfway through battle. - The time chamber door will open even if you don't have a sword now, however you can't start battle without it. - The sword can no longer swipe through objects if swung late. - Damage will not count against you if targets are hit a little late. - A partially ajar time chamber door will now auto-close. - Time chamber door audio fixes. - Targets can no longer appear inside other targets in rare cases. - You can no longer bring foreign objects into the time chamber. ( crucible, unequipped items etc. ) - You can no longer disarm targets with potion bottles. - Bows can no longer be lost inside the time chamber. - Dust in the time chamber will now act correctly. [b]- Flying targets can no longer spawn so far apart that they are impossible to hit. - 2 adjacent flying targets will angle themselves so they are hittable without hitting their armor.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/1f85a41d55e16366ffc8ace5fd2aeb1d20edae47.jpg[/img] - Various visual errors during battle pause fixed. - Various changes to the UI functioning in the time chamber. - New animations for the UI in the time chamber. - You can no longer lose a weapon out of bounds during a time chamber run if thrown through the world. - Loot will stay in the reward area if you save and leave the game. - Reward items are now calculated correctly. - The arrow's grab circle will no longer appear right in your face when you shoot an arrow. - Shader improvements on the back of the reward signs. - You can no longer jump to level 400 in extreme rare cases. - You will be rewarded with arrows appropriate to your level. - You can no longer sheath a broken sword during a switch to a bow level. [b]- You can now adjust your position before you enter battle (now requires a button press in first person mode)[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/3d5d5451464b921297944617e470b4ed7f546d33.jpg[/img] - Various fixes to arrow grabbing during battle. [strike]- Arrows will no longer bounce off targets.[/strike] (coming soon) [strike]- Arrows will no longer hang in mid air.[/strike] (coming soon) - Arrows can no longer pass through the shield. - Multiple potion rewards from battle can no longer overflow your inventory. - If you are holding the proper equipment for battle but it isn't equipped it will now auto equip it ( ie: bow) [h1]Partial item system rewrite that fixes the following issues: [/h1] - Items inside the time chamber (before battle) will act as normal and retrieve to your backpack etc. [b]- Sword pieces now have a properly calculated center and pommels and handles won't easily fall through tables anymore.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36307142/98983950859d39821efcdec8c9f71686b4e2a0fe.jpg[/img] - There is no longer a weapon retrieve button. - The sword can be retrieved like a boomerang outside of the time chamber as well as inside. - The bow can be retrieved like a boomerang outside of the time chamber as well as inside. - Walking away from your loose bow will now lerp to your back instead of your bags. - Your sword will now lerp to your sheath if walked away from. - Option book is no longer allowed in the backpack. - Stamps are no longer allowed in bags. - EXP scrolls will now auto combine correctly. - EXP board will now round down instead of up. - Swords can no longer generate a swing trail while sheathed in out of body mode. [h1]Movement system changes:[/h1] - Aiming near a bag with teleport will show the bag ghost. activating teleport will spawn the bag. - Smooth turning will now always rotate around the center of the players headset. - You can now control the rate of rotation of your character to give the player more control of movement. - New options in the options book to change this. [h1]Misc:[/h1] - Shader fixes on the backpack and coin purse that was causing random pixels dust on screen. - loot restored for chests and crates.