Update 1.8.0 Open Beta

Musical Range

Are you ready to play music for a crowd going crazy for you? ROCK, PLAY and PERFORM 25 great official songs in multiple out of this world stages. Go up to the stage and experience the ultimate ROCKSTAR experience!

An open Beta for the work in porogress 1.8.0 is now available. Right click the game in your library, go to properties, Betas, then select Open Beta. If the branch is not available, simply restart your Steam client. Key Features [list] [*] Re-enabled Electric Lava and Arcade Wave stages. [*] Updated Crowd system. [*] Many gameplay tweaks and improvements to how the game handles various logic, resulting in a smoother experience. [*] Refreshed the tutorial, including new voice for Ottava. [/list] In order to push this to the live branch, we still have to do some work, mostly updated at least the Anara songs to meet the standards of Today. As well as some visual bugs that have managed to creep in while working on this update. The greatest way you can help, is by playing the game, making a video and share your thoughts on how enjoyable and smooth of an experience the game is, so we can iterate and make sure the user experience is as smooth as possible for every user. [h1]MUSICAL RANGE - UPDATE 1.8.0 - CHANGELOG[/h1] [h2]SONGS[/h2] [list] [*] Updated tracks for Nothing Disturbs Me by The Bullseyes [*] Updated tracks for She's On Fire by Brandon FT SJBRAVO. [/list] [h2]CROWDS[/h2] [list] [*] Added Crowd Sounds while song Playing [*] Added Crowd Emojis. Crowd throws emojis in certain parts of the song or everytime the player reaches a new combo [*] Added Song Sections. Crowd Reacts based on the player Accuracy in a section with Emojis and Movement. [*] Added Crowd Volume settings for Audio [*] Added New Crowd movements for song [list] [*] Added Headbang movements [*] Added Fast versions of Jump and Headbang movements for crowd [/list] [*] Adjusted Crowd Lights during movements. [/list] [h2]STAGES[/h2] [list] [*] Re enabled Electric Lava and Arcade Wave stages. [*] Added crowds to Electric Lava Stage, Arcade Wave Stage. [/list] [h2]GAMEPLAY[/h2] [list] [*] Changed the way Player Combo decreases are handled [list] [*] If you miss a note, the game checks if you have any Combo Buildup Energy. If so, it deletes your combo build up [*] If you don't have any combo buildup, your Combo socore decreases by 1. [*] So for eample, if you have a Combo of 8 with 70% buildup, and miss two notes, Then first Combo 8, with 0% build up, and then Combo 7, with 0% build up [*] Previously, the game would decrease combo by one, and remove your build up at the same time. [/list] [*] Punch decision logic by the game is now handedness independent. [list] [*] This means overall more punches than before, for example, harmonies can now trigger punch notes. [*] Made exeptions to not break punch notes if the Bends that end in the root note [*] Spawning a Any Handedness Note will break the Punch Notes for Left and Right hands. [/list] [*] Vibratos and Bend notes are now detected and handled as separate type of notes. [list] [*] This has repercutions in the, snapping assist and pitch assist during gameplay. [*] The game considers a note of type Bend if the the player must bend the note further than half a semi tone from the root note. [*] The game considers a note of type Vibrato if the it has at least 3 pitch events are zig-zag no more than half a semitone of a root note. [/list] [*] Increased Pitch sensitivity for Vibrato notes. [list] [*] Doesnt Apply if note is of Bend type at the same time. [/list] [*] Added a time gap limit to transform a note into a Reshoot Type [/list] [h2]TUTORIAL[/h2] [list] [*] Added new voice for Ottava [*] Added new dialog for Ottava [*] Joined both of the 'make some noise' phases of the tutorial into one. [*] Simplified and reordered the tutorial note meteors [*] Made Ottava Text bubble bigger [/list] [h2]SONG MIDI TRACKING[/h2] [list] [*] Note Meteor will not use 'PitchEvents' from midi if it is in the same tick as a 'NoteOff' event. [list] [*] This allows you to to leave notes touching in the Midi, which makes the tracking process easier. [/list] [/list] [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a rare case of Punches not working at all when launching the game.* [list] [*] Because of the rare nature of the bug we are very certain it's fixed but cant be certain. [*] Please let us know if you encounter this issue on any build greater than [/list] [*] Fixed Any Hand Whiplashes being detected as incorrect hand. [*] Gun Punch projectile now visualy shoots towards the TargetNote mesh location [*] Note Meteor Punch mesh stops moving downards once it reaches it's the TargetNote. [*] Improved note hit effects spawn position [*] Split Ends stop moving down when reaching it's TargetNote [*] Fixed Arena Rock stage not being saved as prefered world. [/list]