
Battle Brothers

Battle Brothers is a turn based tactical RPG which has you leading a mercenary company in a gritty, low-power, medieval fantasy world. You decide where to go, whom to hire or to fight, what contracts to take and how to train and equip your men in a procedurally generated open world campaign.

This update adds a free new banner to hoist for your mercenary company, inspired by popular German streamer HandOfBlood, who previously covered Battle Brothers in a series of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR005rimP0o&list=PLrC7fxMTTSU3scznYilu4w8uT-cxSUgy5&ab_channel=HandOfUncut]Let's Play videos[/url]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8544093/e36f37d6d511be5527c8b484f473b2084c409329.jpg[/img] Additionally, you'll find a few fixes accumulated over the last couple of months. If you have a modded game, update your mods. If you encounter issues, remove your mods. If you still encounter issues, please report them [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/365360/discussions/1/]here[/url] following the instructions in the sticky post. [h3]Changelog for[/h3] [list] [*] Added a new player banner. [*] Fixed some post-combat events potentially not triggering as often as intended. [*] Fixed an incorrect AI consideration regarding the use of the 'Split Shield' skill. [*] Fixed various smaller issues and typos. [/list]