Update 1.3.6: Tweaked reviews and other conveniences.

Galaxy Pass Station

👨‍🚀🚀🪐 Build and manage a space station for aliens and mecha cats! And it's the year 3020.

Hi everyone, we're back online and we're starting to slowly resume support for the game. [b]What have we done new?[/b]. [i]Sorry if the screenshots are not in your language, it's just very painful and difficult to prepare screenshots in all languages at once.[/i] [h2]1. We have finalized the feedback system.[/h2] - If you hover over the station rating indicator, the tooltip will show the last three reviews and the main reason why most reviews are left. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/0b13a0ab6c1b93e809769aa4fc4cba930e17b7f3.png[/img] - If you hover over the human civilization rating indicators, you'll see in the tooltip the last review that influenced that rating. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/055915e116349e1a412da690227c919e425b77d7.png[/img] - There's a lot of new stuff in the review box. We've added a button with which you can find the author of the review if it hasn't already left the station. And most importantly! We've added a reason for the review, this explanatory text will help you better understand what exactly happened. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/ec8a82df07cb2b346feb071ffebadac75ff5ab39.png[/img] - In the visitor's dashboard-inspector at the station, the Activity tab now displays the visitor's last feedback to the station, if they left any. Moreover, we have corrected and improved the tooltips about what the visitor is doing and wants to do at the moment. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/8e4eb95997b74dcf26e03246305da4bdf4b1707d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/13588ce7da05f47556f0304a1fa45286f73d04cf.png[/img] - The tooltip that shows up when you hover over a visitor also shows their most recent review and clearer explanatory text about what the visitor is doing and where they are going, down to the specific item. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/96a40eaa572ef97b7d98215b56017b3cc9719ad4.png[/img] [h2]2. Station rankings now count for the last 7 days.[/h2] Isn't it frustrating when you can't do anything about a station's rating after you've been piled low? So here we thought that the player has almost no way to influence this and change the rating for the better. The station rating will now be calculated as an average of the reviews left in the last 7 days. This will allow you to improve the station and its rating by your actions, because very old reviews will not be taken into account, and new ones will greatly affect the rating. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/a280e9222df1c8d32d1e78e0e464ee694ca11960.png[/img] [h2]3. New tooltips in the technology tree.[/h2] We have added information that technology cannot be researched due to a lack of resources. These two hints will save you from unnecessary actions when working with the tree of technologies, you will not have to click on the button and you will understand faster what technologies you can explore at the moment. The lack of such hints annoys many players. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/326b966f8b86ec723b1335b0c560dd9c88ca28cc.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/98c46fdaf9a84576a22d367c804ca69aa6107637.png[/img] [h2]4. Automatic naming of rooms[/h2] Agree that it is very difficult to navigate where exactly something is located because the names of the rooms are all the same. We have come up with what we think is a great solution to this problem: All rooms, if they are not named by the player, will generate a unique name thanks to a suffix system. The system is very simple: "Name of room type" + alphabet letter + offset digit + letter that means left or right sector. And you get something like this: [list] [*] Large Room A2-R (where [b]A[/b] means the first level - like the first letter in the alphabet, and [b]2[/b] is an offset of 2 squares, and [b]R[/b] is the right side of the station from the center). [/list] Examples of where this is now used: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/4a309398ea2afc39d2be3e3f6a0dc0b6765eb4b0.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/338c9ee04431ed49f783a0d3fe9099b321db7514.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/0b4cc49d07326b403ee3512386a566e665289ec0.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/508b6988dc05808070777e4a031f5d1407af24d6.png[/img] [h1]Wow, thanks for reading to the end! What's next?[/h1] For the last few days, we've been thinking about how to make the game even more interesting, so that we can play it for hundreds of hours. Very probably, we will share our ideas and plans with you soon, as well as conduct some kind of poll on the topic "What would you like to see in the game globally new?". [h2]Little secret[/h2] We are also preparing a very secret announcement of some project that is strongly related to Galaxy Pass Station. I hope and strongly believe that we will announce it in March or April this year. [b]Subscribe to us[/b] wherever possible so you don't miss this announcement! [list] [*] [url=https://discord.com/invite/fUZFwtTCJ6]Our Discord server[/url] - here you can chat with us and other players. [*] [url=https://twitter.com/galacticwrkshp]Our Twitter[/url] - here you can follow the latest news about the game. [*] Subscribe to our news here on Steam as well, by clicking the "Follow" button. [/list] [b]P.S.[/b] Please write everything you think about the game and this news! We read all the reviews on the game, all the comments, and the community forum.