Update 1.0.54: Smarter Drones, Priorities, Station Rebuilding and more.

Galaxy Pass Station

👨‍🚀🚀🪐 Build and manage a space station for aliens and mecha cats! And it's the year 3020.

Welcome to the new game update! More intelligent drones, priorities for objects, the ability to rebuild the station more flexibly, and much more in this update. We've done a tremendous amount of work and are excited to present you with this new update. [h3]New[/h3] [list] [*]Ability to disable the tutorial in "First Contact". [*]Ability to set the service priority for each object on the station. Drones will take these priorities into account. [/list] [h3]Improvements and Balance[/h3] [list] [*]Drones have become smarter and now use different tactics to optimize their tasks. [*]Drones no longer wait in line to deliver resources to objects on the station. [*]The flight arrival widget has become twice as compact. [*]Fewer rating notifications appearing on the right side of the screen. [*]Now, when turning on the scanner, documents on the desk are laid out in more convenient ways. [*]News reports about criminals can now be skipped. [*]Rewards for criminals have been balanced based on their danger + randomness. [*]The generation of rewards for accepting flights in calls from pilots has become more adequate. [*]When checking documents: the message that the interlocutor has received something has been moved closer to the interlocutor so as not to interfere with the document check. [*]Reduced by 20% the likelihood of calls from the poor asking for money help. [*]Reduced by 2.5 times the frequency of calls with advice from the assistant. [*]Reduced by 2.5 times the likelihood of complaint calls about queues. [*]Added and improved descriptions of the types of checks passengers need. [*]Arrested or expelled criminals can no longer commit crimes. [*]Improved game performance. [*]In the rest area, an exclamation mark is now displayed at the terminal if there are unread messages and notifications. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Now rooms can be deleted if they do not hold adjacent rooms in space. [*]Fixed a bug where the elevator could be built inside an already built room. [*]Fixed a bug where the Animal ID document could not fit the name, and it went beyond the document boundaries. [*]Fixed a bug due to which the "Disabled" state of an object was not saved after loading a game save. [*]Fixed a bug where fires did not always spread to adjacent items. [*]Fixed numerous bugs with elevators, where drones and visitors got stuck. [*]Fixed a bug with the display of the progress bar, the color was not fully repainted. [*]Fixed a bug where the same music track could be played twice in a row. [/list] [h2]What’s Next?[/h2] Stay tuned for news about the next major content update next week. We are announcing something very interesting! [b]P.S.[/b] Share your impressions, suggestions, and objections in the comments. We'll be happy to respond.