Major Update 1.1: Cosmobotics and 💸-20% OFF!

Galaxy Pass Station

👨‍🚀🚀🪐 Build and manage a space station for aliens and mecha cats! And it's the year 3020.

We are pleased to present you a major update for the game, which contains a lot of interesting things. The update is named in honor of a new alien race of intelligent robots - the Cosmobots. [h2]Cosmobots - Who are they?[/h2] We are pleased to introduce a new alien race of intelligent robots, completely different from the robots from Earth. This is a special intelligent species that will surprise you with its behavior. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/08f42f8eb2924d83b3994e79000b170abf278c28.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/5078d5a2361ebbd24c5cdaed2a13d9d348722398.gif[/img] [h2]Robo-Mites[/h2] We have added a new species of parasitic creatures. This is a robotic life form that appears on the station where there are a lot of robots and noise. They can make a lot of noise, break objects, run away from the police, and more. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/52ca7b9cb0c91c720e31b0fe6f04e809959b8f1d.gif[/img] [h2]Wireless charging[/h2] We've added a special technology to the technology tree that allows you to build special devices that store energy and then distribute it to all the items in the room. Using these devices, you can optimize the logistics of energy and battery supply. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/99ef3fe91f6635d0e9137b57dfe464221c4565fc.gif[/img] [h2]Neon Signs[/h2] Now neon signs of different shapes are available to you. You will be able to customize the color scheme of each sign. These objects decorate the station a lot, and some of them have their own unique features. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/5f46d2ec524038257174eaa296b2fc145320b4f0.gif[/img] [h2]Color schemes for objects and rooms[/h2] Have you ever wanted to repaint your couch green or change the color of your plant? Now it's possible. You will be able to change the color of many pieces of furniture and decorations. Also, we have added 2 new room lights - white and purple. Make your space station even more unique! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/823579922b8553dd0bb27711f2dfd4c07474b5a7.gif[/img] [h2]Air Purification[/h2] New devices that improve the air in the rooms have been added to the game. With their help you will be able to eliminate unpleasant odors in the room. However, you have to pay for everything with energy and free space. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/9549ce8d1d9e45de3ae73612c7d7e52c5bfb0a57.gif[/img] [h2]New items for the station[/h2] As promised, we have added new items to the technology tree: [list] [*] Two kinds of aquariums - floor and wall mounted. [*] A wall clock that shows the in-game time. [*] A special phone booth that allows you to call back in time. [*] New windows of different shapes. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/e32a4ec94c15ce73153c76dbb82b66f83ba39fa6.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/ea71a3e765e24c992e629f24b03f4ac494a0dd73.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/a3e5f1dfdb1e2bea92c7ab3bbfe9bfc2be0fb2fb.png[/img] [h2]New radio calls[/h2] We have rethought and completely revamped the radio call system. If before every new call abruptly interrupted your game and demanded your attention, now this is not the case. We added a widget that notifies you about the call without interrupting your game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/31c3e8bff4f5a086fb501f8e990db3e4d8d32645.png[/img] [h2]Day and Night Change[/h2] We've added the ability to skip the sleep scene, but that's not all. We've added a special widget that will alert you to the imminent end of the day. At exactly 11pm, you'll be prompted to move on to the next day in different ways. In the future, perhaps we will add the statistics for the working day to this place. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/a43d9a26053612ff7503e4009bd192530058a565.gif[/img] [h2]Improved Game Interface[/h2] We've redesigned most of the game interface to make it easier for you to play. These are the various panels for station management. Also, in the construction menu you can now filter items by subcategory to make it easier to navigate. [h2]Other improvements and fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Added a "Scientific Inflation" event that increases the cost of research. [*] Parasitic creatures can now also have traits such as "fast" or "slow", etc. [*] Builder drone now repairs items a little differently. This drone now adds real-time durability to an item or device by generating dust around it. [*] Some items can now be flipped horizontally. [*] Technology that opens windows is now available much sooner. [*] Each item now has a clear explanation of how many visitors it attracts per day. [*] You can now see by clicking on a room how many visitors it attracts. [*] Added information in the hints about how the attractiveness of a room affects the interest in visiting the station. [*] The cost of the masterpieces will now increase with each new theft. [*] The probability of getting a bad ending on first contact has increased. [*] The movie screen now consumes power, it now needs to be supplied with batteries. [*] Added sounds for some items and situations on the station. [*] Renamed some items, such as various paintings, etc. [*] Changed font for Asian languages to a more readable font. [*] Fixed a bug that could cause text in Japanese and Chinese languages to display incorrectly in some places. [*] Fixed behavior of worker drones that caused them to not take batteries from the Garbage Recycler. [*] Fixed a bug with game saves at the end of a workday. Reloading the game sometimes resulted in a black screen. [*] Slightly improved some texts in the game in different languages, added explanations and changed wording to more understandable. [/list] [h2]What's next? Your impressions?[/h2] We are planning another content update in November 2023! We hope for your support, tell your friends and acquaintances about our game. Share your impressions in the comments on this news! Your feedback and comments give us new ideas for future content updates. You help us a lot when you write about your impressions, tell us about bugs you found or what you didn't like in the game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40810925/c6f1d7131b1676b146131a82b8c7949c8cf812d1.gif[/img]