Update 1.3.8: More varied events and Visitor flow balance

Galaxy Pass Station

👨‍🚀🚀🪐 Build and manage a space station for aliens and mecha cats! And it's the year 3020.

[b]This is a small but very important update![/b] It can greatly improve your experience when playing Galaxy Pass Station for a long time. I am primarily referring to the generation of morning events, as well as the balance related to the number of visitors in the later stages. [h2]Changes and Balance[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed: In the late stages (after about 20-30 game days), the probability of many events was tending to zero, causing them to occur very rarely. This led to players often seeing the same not-very-interesting morning events, which made the game become a chore. [*] Beautiful and Beautiful 2x (visitors) now increase the beauty of the room they are in by 2-3 times less. Due to the high values, this caused imbalance and sometimes too sudden a spike in the number of visitors. [*] Hotels, bureaucratic desks, and a number of other items are now much less likely to attract new visitors. These items are meant to cope with high visitor flows and have spawned even more visitors, which doesn't really make sense. [*] The massage chair can now be turned off and on like some other items. [*] Garbage and other waste, now spoil the beauty of the room, respectively more reduce the flow of visitors to the station. [*] Increased by 3-4 times the time of availability of flights on the board of flights, so that the player can accept new visitors to the station at any time, so that they always have a choice. [/list]