Update 1.3.0! Sound Tones and Worlds!

Musical Range

Are you ready to play music for a crowd going crazy for you? ROCK, PLAY and PERFORM 25 great official songs in multiple out of this world stages. Go up to the stage and experience the ultimate ROCKSTAR experience!

Hello VR Musicians! In this new update we are finally releasing a new world to play music. Electric Lava is our first step in exploring multiple worlds! We have more worlds in the work at the moment and we can't wait to share them with you over time. With this change, the default world is an Empty map. This will help new players get started as there is less visual clutter and doesn't require too much from your PC. To travel to the new world, simply select World Change option in the main menu, and select one of the 3 options. Once you select one, please wait a few seconds for the world to fully load. At the moment, the game doesn't remember which world you had selected, so every time you launch the game, you need to chose a world. Alternatively, you can change the world any time by turning backwards from the notes, and selecting the World Change from there. We also are releasing our first iteration of the Tone Menu! You can now change between different tones any time by flicking the thumbstick of any controller. The current menu is divided in 6 slots. 4 contain 4 different sound presets. 'Elegance' is the default preset you've been playing with so far. We have many plans and ideas on where to take this system in the future, but please let us know your thoughts and feedback on what you'd like to see (or rather, hear!). The 4 preset sounds, are work in progress and we are working on designing more sounds. Full Change Log [list] [*] [b]Added World Change Menu[/b] [*] Added Empty world. Default [*] Added Electric Lava world. [*] [b]Added Sound Tone Change Menu[/b] [*] Added Elegance Tone. Default tone and original tone since launch. [*] Added Distortion Tone. [*] Added Rockey Tone. [*] Added Nova Choir Tone. [*] Two additional unused slots for the future. Auto and Custom. [*] Added Reset To Default option for Settings Menu. [*] Shuffle songs now have a 5 slot duration cooldown before they can be randomly selected again. [*] Moved project to a new Unreal Engine Version. Please let us know if you experience anything unexpected. [*] Optimized Textures memory usage. [*] Optimized Memory usage from various assets. [/list] We are currently beta testing the Quest 2 version, if you'd like to help out head over to the Discord server to request an invite. But this also means some bugs might have crawled over to the Steam version. Please let us know if you run into any issues. Thank you for your patience while we work out a pipeline to server multiple platforms at the same time. Please join us on Discord if you haven't already, and have fun! www.discord.gg/NvS2NBqVXw