Power Shot Update 1.9.2

Musical Range

Are you ready to play music for a crowd going crazy for you? ROCK, PLAY and PERFORM 25 great official songs in multiple out of this world stages. Go up to the stage and experience the ultimate ROCKSTAR experience!

Hello Musicians! After many weeks of preparation and working we are finally ready to release our newest and probably best update to the game so far! Update 1.9.2 finally releases the Power Shots to all players. With these new game mechanic, that lets to play multiple notes with one simple movement, we now feel that all base game-play elements are in the game. You can shoot, punch, bend, do vibratos, play dead notes, smash the notes, play chords. So all these available meteor types, allow for a lot of experimentation and exploration. We feel that playing music in VR is now not only interesting and simple, but really fun and with a lot of depth. This update also brings a change to the tutorial system. We've split the tutorial in two, Basic and Advanced. The goal is to get players to playing songs as soon as possible. The first tutorial covers the basics, shooting, punching, the whiplash. And once you finish the basic tutorial, you can play any of game modes in the game, but some features are locked until you finish the advanced tutorial. Locked features until Advanced Tutorial completion. [list] [*] Difficulties Hard and Expert [*] 4 Song modifiers are enabled and can't be disabled [list] [*] No Handedness [*] No Bends [*] No Dead Notes [*] No Power Shots [/list] [/list] We hope that this change will ease the player experience. Get players used to the innovative game-play of Musical Range, before heading to the advanced tutorial. We still have plenty of work to do in the new user experience camp. We'll monitor player feedback and iterate so anyone who picks up the game can feel like they are playing music with just a few minutes of introduction. Our [url=www.discord.gg/NvS2NBqVXw]Discord Server [/url]is a great place to let us know about your experience. The basic tutorial also includes a lot of new flare, as we are working towards enhancing the lore of the game, to make the world feel like a real and livable world, and to establish the player's role and goal. We hope you enjoy it. The post is growing to long, so lets jump straight into the change log. [b]Change Log[/b] [list] [*] All Anara pack songs have their charts updated for all difficulties. [*] Big Indie Pack songs enabled. [list] [*] Only charts for Normal and Expert have been updated. [/list] [*] Redesign the Game Menu flow and organization [*] Tutorial split into two. [list] [*] Basic Tutorial [*] Advanced Tutorial [list] [*] Advanced tutorial is very bare bones at the moment. Please be patient as we properly design and polish the tutorial. [/list] [/list] [*] Certain features are locked until the player finishes the Advanced tutorial. [list] [*] Difficulties Hard and Expert [*] 4 Song modifiers are enabled and can't be disabled [list] [*] No Handedness [*] No Bends [*] No Dead Notes [*] No Power Shots [/list] [/list] [*] Updated how the game displays Punch Notes and Power Shot meteors. [*] Updated how the game displays Power Shots meteors during sustain, vibratos, and bends. [*] Punch helpers have a cooldown to encourage alternate punching (front, back, front, back,...) [*] Fixed a bug where some shots and punches would trigger the hit of multiple Note Meteors. [*] Added Hit and Miss animations to the Target Notes when shot [*] Tutorial pushes player progress to a hidden leaderboard so we can track player progress and identify if players are getting stuck in a specific part of the tutorial [*] Fixed Game Removing stars from player if Best Combo was 2 instead of 1. [*] Fixed Power Shots sometimes being incorrectly counted twice. [*] Redesigned the Gameplay Statistics and the Song Finished Statistic Screens [*] Dead Notes now can have handedness [*] Increased limit on Audio Channels. [*] Updated Song Modifier Menu [list] [*] Added new song modifiers. [/list] [*] Transposed Meteors are now Any Handedness [*] Basic Tutorial is more engaging. [*] Slingers change face expressions in tutorial. [*] Added more Emojis and sound voice lines to the Slingers. [*] Slingers now Chant “YEAH” in certain parts of the song, if the player performance is good enough. [*] Updated the math behind Bend Snap assist. Bend should feel more intuitive now and behave in expected ways. [*] Fixed Dead Notes not pausing when the song is paused. [*] Improve note meteor line connectivity between a NoteMeteor and a PunchMeteor to avoid gaps that would suggest a sustain release. [/list] This update also includes other fixes and improvements, too small for anyone other than me and maybe another user.