Musical Range is now Released

Musical Range

Are you ready to play music for a crowd going crazy for you? ROCK, PLAY and PERFORM 25 great official songs in multiple out of this world stages. Go up to the stage and experience the ultimate ROCKSTAR experience!

Achieve Musical Mastery with the new campaign mode! We've design this campaign to be a progressive way for players to learn how to master the game. The levels start easy, and as you progress, more note types become available, as well as difficulties and world stages. We also added a new Song Modifier the Fade Meteors. For those who wish to go beyond and challenge their musical skills. When enabled, as you play, your combo multiplier can go beyond 10 and the notes fade out until you get a combo multiple of 15, after that, you must keep playing from memory and intuition! [b]Full Change Log[/b] Musical Range Update 2.0.0 [list] [*] Added a new Progression system. [list] [*] The new progression system will offer a long term goal to players while introducing progressively more gameplay elements to keep players challenged through their Musical Mastery journey. [/list] [*] Added Campaign Mode [list] [*] Play through 28 levels to achieve Musical Mastery [*] Each Campaign Level consist of: [list] [*] Specific Song at a specific Difficulty in a specific World Stage. [*] A set of song modifiers [*] A set of objectives which when completed offer a reward. [/list] [/list] [*] Added a Reward System [list] [*] Unlock Game Modes [*] Unlock World Stages [*] Unlock Difficulties [*] Unlock Song Modifiers [/list] [*] Added New Song Modifier FADE METEORS. [list] [*] When activated, the maximum Combo Multiplier will increased from 10 to 20. [*] When going from 11 to 15 Combo Multiplier, every note meteor will start to fade out. [*] From 16 to 20 Combo Multiplier, players must play from memory the song. [/list] [*] Song Modifier preferences are now saved [*] Fixed various minor bugs. [/list]