UPDATE 1.06 - Leaderboards Fix

The Best BJ

The Best BJ is a full featured Blackjack 21 simulator that pits you against a virtual casino Blackjack dealer! ..How good are you at "BJ" and are you ready to show off your impressive BJ skills? Whether you are a pro or looking to get better, "The Best BJ" is for you!

A small update here to address a couple of things regarding the Steam leader boards shown directly on your game screen: 1) The game when first launched will now get the top ten Steam leaders BEFORE you play your first hand every time. So you'll no longer see an empty leader board sometimes until you play a hand. 2) I fixed an issue that might have caused some new players to either not see their balance post to the leader board list if they were in the top ten, or who might have seen the game close with a crash after their first hand. ..Eeek! Sorry to any of you who may have seen this happen. Again, it's vital that I get these bug reports to issues like this. Nobody reported this error to me, I found it myself and immediately fixed it, and I'm just hoping that it didn't affect anyone who may have purchased this game! Also, if you haven't yet noticed a new "Auto Bot" switch in the lower left cornet, that is there for a new DLC that I am currently working on. You can read more about it HERE: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1707440/The_Best_BJ__AutoPlay_BJ_Service_Bot/ Thanks for reading! Have a great day or night, whatever it is for you where you live.. ZaxtorGameS (Solo Indie Game Developer)