UPDATE 1.19 - Portion Bet Buttons Spaced Further Apart & Karma Explained Button!

The Best BJ

The Best BJ is a full featured Blackjack 21 simulator that pits you against a virtual casino Blackjack dealer! ..How good are you at "BJ" and are you ready to show off your impressive BJ skills? Whether you are a pro or looking to get better, "The Best BJ" is for you!

In this update, I responded directly to the constructive criticism left on the review by Steam user "Da Gurls". I would like to sincerely thank this user for his criticism and his review even though it was a negative review because it has helped me improve my game for everyone! - The portion bet buttons like "Bet All" and "Bet Half" have been spaced further apart to prevent accidentally hitting the wrong button. (They were only a few pixels apart before this update and are now 24 pixels apart) - An "Explain Karma" button has been added to the right side of the screen that will open a window explaining how the karma system in 'The Best BJ' works as well as how God's Wrath works in the game as well. This window can be opened before each hand is played. - I've also reworked the Highest Balances code that retrieves the top ten highest balances from Steam to display in the top right section of the game screen every hand. Hopefully, this re-work will provide a much more consistent display of the top ten balances live each hand. (I've noticed myself that about half the time, these top ten balances lately were not being displayed at all, so I think this update might resolve that, knock on wood..) ..That's all there is for this update. I hope that these changes will provide for a more enjoyable BJ experience for everyone who plays this game! =) If you have any suggestions or ideas for this game or any of my games on Steam, please feel free to post them in my game forums and let me know! Stay safe out there and enjoy whatever games you play! Sincerely, ZaxtorGameS (Solo indie game developer)