UPDATE 1.08 - Eleven New Karma Questions & Nine New Steam Achievements!

The Best BJ

The Best BJ is a full featured Blackjack 21 simulator that pits you against a virtual casino Blackjack dealer! ..How good are you at "BJ" and are you ready to show off your impressive BJ skills? Whether you are a pro or looking to get better, "The Best BJ" is for you!

In this update, eleven new questions have been added that can possible pop up when you have a negative or very low balance for five hands. This brings the total now to 32. (Previously 21) One of those questions asks you if you'd like to sell your soul to the devil. Is selling your soul to the devil really worth virtual money? ..It's the most money possible with a karma question, but also by far the biggest hit to your karma! Is money really worth pissing off God? ..That's entirely up to you if and when you have this option come up! Also with the new karma questions, it might be of interest to you to know that not all karma questions will now result in a loss of your karma. That's right, there are now some options that could give you both extra money and a little karma gain for being such a good person! There are also nine new Steam achievements, bringing the total to 32. (Previously 23) Most of these new Steam achievements are acquired by hitting the 8 new levels of low karma which can be: Rude (70 to 79 karma) Unsavory (60 to 69 karma) Scoundrel (50 to 59 karma) Malicious (40 to 49 karma) Dastardly (30 to 39 karma) Vile (20 to 29 karma) Wicked (10 to 19 karma) Wretched (0 to 9 karma) These 8 levels of low karma replace the previous two levels of "toxic" and 'scum bug". * Fix to the "two queen of hearts" Steam achievement: This Steam achievement was not working before this patch, and it has been corrected and should give you the Steam achievement properly now. That's it for this update, but in a soon to be released update, the dealer will talk to you as you play and this will have an option to turn off or on as well. Have fun and good luck with the cards dealt your way, both in this game and in your real life! - ZaxtorGameS (Solo Indie game developer)