Update 1.0.3 features a-hole host of bug fixes & changes for Cursed to Golf! ⛳

Cursed to Golf

Cursed to Golf is a challenging golf-like adventure where every shot counts. Players are tasked with making it out of Golf Purgatory to become a Golfing Legend. With insane hazards, otherworldly power-ups and tons of replayability, will you make it back alive or will you forever be… Cursed to Golf!?

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41143415/d6c8453224e39b2a549ebe1d93494a5bb7cc9071.jpg[/img] Greetings cursed Golfers, It's been a week since [b]Cursed to Golf[/b] opened its gates to Golf Purgatory and the first thing we want to do is to thank you all. So: [u][b]THANK YOU![/b][/u] ❤️ It's so great to see you all playing our little Golflike. And thanks a ton for providing a massive bunch of feedback since the release. That's really appreciated! ːsteamhappyː And of course we want you to have as much fun as possible with [b]Cursed to Golf[/b]! That's why the update 1.0.3 is available from now on, featuring a bunch of fixes and changes including zoom toggle, mystery pack card changes and upped cash. But there is way more - this is the complete change log including all fixes and changes: [u][b]Design Changes:[/b][/u] [u]Zoom Toggle[/u] [list][*] New feature - The ability to zoom out has been added. [*] Players can toggle between the default camera and a new zoomed out frame. [*] Birdie Eye camera options unchanged.[/list] [u]Cash Rewards[/u] [list][*] Upped; players will now receive more cash per hole completion.[/list][u]Mystery Booster Packs[/u] [list][*] Mystery Boosters now have the ability to unlock late game cards earlier. [*] Cost upped - $1250[/list][u]Blessing Meter[/u] [list][*] Ace Card reward rate upped. [*] “Practice Shot” added to the card reward pool.[/list][u]Power Meter[/u] [list][*] Animation speed slowed across all clubs.[/list][u]Angle Meter[/u] [list][*] Animation speed slowed across all clubs.[/list][u]Curse Trigger UI[/u] [list][*] Opacity changed; when players change clubs or start a shot the Curse Trigger UI in the top-right corner of the screen will lower in opacity.[/list] [u][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/u] [list][*] Fixed issue where controller input is unrecognized upon the main menu. [*] Fixed issue where Explorer Boss Cutscene “Short” would play incorrectly. [*] Fixed issue where Hole 16/17 Ace Card chest rewards were incorrect. [*] Adjust position and appearance of the auto-saving icon. [*] Fixed issue where Ace Cards could be interacted with while the “Curse Survived” banner was playing in Cursed holes, causing input issues. [*] Ace Card Chest icons flip immediately after opening them on the World Map. [*] Fixed issue with Course Map not scrolling enough to show all holes. [*] Disabled the ability to fast-forward through the final textbox of cutscenes. [*] Disabled the ability to fast-forward through the Boss “Boon Unlocked” textbox. [*] Increased scroll speed of Course Map when using mouse wheel input. [*] Fixed issue where Eterni-tee hub objects couldn't immediately be interacted. [*] Fixed issue with fast-forwarding Boss golf shots, causing issues. [*] Golf Ball is now destroyed when colliding with the camera collision boundary. [*] Fixed art issue with lava pits in Hole 18. [*] Fixed missing localization text for the Forgotten “Short” intro cutscene. [*] Fixed issue where cutscenes wouldn't pause on the final dialog before a playable section of a cutscene. [*] Ace Card controls UI tip box issues addressed. [*] Fixed issue where the equivalent of "NEW ROUND" in Italian and Brazilian Portuguese localization was mixed. [*] Fixed issue where the Explorer’s “Gimme” wouldn't trigger when going into a Mimic. [*] Force game app into the nearest supported resolution when on a display with an unsupported aspect ratio or resolution. [*] Fixed issue where Golf Ball would fall out of Pipe Rail entrances when fast-forwarding. [*] Fixed issue with camera when using a radial controlled Ace Card at the starting point of a hole. [*] Fixed issue where the Scotsman would sometimes appear to jump forward in position before taking a shot. [*] Fixed issue where Front 9 and Back 9 trophies would sometimes not trigger. [*] Fixed issue where the wrong rewards would be given in Ace Card chests. [*] Master Audio set to 75% by default.[/list] Thank you so much for the ongoing interest and feedback for [b]Cursed to Golf[/b]. You folks are purely awesome, each and everyone of you! ❤️ We’ll see you on the leaderboard! Liam & the Chuhai Labs Team https://store.steampowered.com/app/1726120/Cursed_to_Golf/