Update bug fixing patch

Ancient Warfare 3

Dive into a sandbox full of action and customization! Choose from different game modes like deathmatch, conquest, king of the hill, zombie survival and many more. Create your own scenarios and content in the easy to use in-game editors or use one of the 50k+ workshop items from other players...

[list] [*] Added 4 swamp trees to the environment placement list [*] Fixed that not implemented biomes would be displayed in the biome dropdown [*] Fixed missing list view highlights for face equipments [*] Fixed a bug that prevented thumbnails from being selected for battles [*] Fixed that the workshop type dropdown would show incorrect values after opening an item after a user search [*] Fixed that the default player animal dropdown did not match the actual value [*] Fixed that the PlaySound(2d) nodes could ignore volume settings by setting the volume to a high value [*] Fixed a bug that caused large prefab option to be visible in the battle editor [*] Fixed that camels would show up in the equipment panel preview [*] Fixed that the workshop page input would not be reset after changing filters, resulting in incorrect query results [/list]