Update 0.22 (Food and Water)

The Trader

Your main goal is to keep your shop running by trading with wanderers, whilst keeping the enemies at bay. The game features a fairly simple randomly generated adventure system, and enables the player to generate a new location every time they wish to explore and find loot to sell/use.

Okay so today's update adds and changes a few things: - First up, hunger and thirst have been added to the player. These will affect how fast you can move and heal, depending on how little food and water you have. So for example, if your food and water are full, then you will move fairly fast. But, if your food and water are low-empty then you will move very slowly. If your food and water are too low, then you will also not be able to heal. (Those with pre-existing saves will likely spawn with 0 food and water, apologies...) - You can now find bottles of water in the Wasteland, these are used along with already existing food items to increase your food and water when consumed. - Some UI icons have been changed. - Looting has changed slightly to alter how loot spawns. - New skill perks. - Other small tweaks. Let me know if there are any problems with the new update and I will fix them asap. Thanks, Dan