Update 0.24 (Animations, Weather)

The Trader

Your main goal is to keep your shop running by trading with wanderers, whilst keeping the enemies at bay. The game features a fairly simple randomly generated adventure system, and enables the player to generate a new location every time they wish to explore and find loot to sell/use.

This is probably the biggest update yet, and so I am expecting there to be a few bugs, although I hope they are at a minimum and disruptive. Here is the changelog: - Completely changed the first person animation system so it is now more modular, allowing for easier integration of more weapons. (I am not an animator, so the animations will slowly be improved over time. For now they are sort of temporary, but still better than the old ones.) - The inventory bug within the storage chest should now be fixed. - Default inventory space has been upped to 10, with the perk increasing it to 20. - If close enough, Wastelanders will go towards the player at night, regardless of sight. - Optimised Wastelanders (Should improve FPS by quite a bit). - Wastelanders should not wander too far from the store. - NPC's will now attack Wastelanders that come too close, and if there are too many they will flee. - Added light switches in the store. - Day/Night cycle and weather system changed. It now looks better, and has dynamic weather capabilities. (May interfere with your time and day counter on game saves when first loaded)